Department: Marketing and Supply Chain Management
Program Area: New Product Performance, New Product Development, Shopping Addiction, Branding, Diversionary Driving Behavior
Office: Adams Hall Room 1H
Phone: (405) 325-3561
Address: 307 W. Brooks, Adams Hall Room 1H
Norman, OK 73019
Jeffrey B. Schmidt
Associate Professor of Marketing & Supply Chain
Associate Director, Marketing and Supply Chain Management

Professor Schmidt joined the OU faculty in 2005. Over the past 20+ years he has taught a variety of undergraduate, graduate, and executive education courses. He's taught in Warsaw, Poland in the University of Warsaw’s executive MBA program in conjunction with the University of Illinois. He is an Adjunct Professor at Drucker School at the Claremont Graduate University and also at Oakland University. He has received several teaching awards.
Dr. Schmidt’s research interests are in new product development and marketing strategy, and his work has been published in several major journals. He has received several research awards.
2003 – Winner of the Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award for Volume 30 (2002) of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. The article, “Escalation of Commitment During New Product Development”, was chosen for the award by a vote of the JAMS Editorial Review Board members.
Best Paper Award, AMA Summer Educators’ Conference, Marketing Research Track (2003).
Best Paper Award, AMA Summer Educators’ Conference, Best Paper Award, Product Management and Entrepreneurship Track (2006).
Best Paper Award, AMA Summer Educators’ Conference, Competitive Marketing Strategy Track (1994).
AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow, at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Honorable Mention, Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) Dissertation Proposal Competition.
Honorable Mention, Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition.
Outstanding Contributions in Research Award, College of Business Administration Kansas State University.
College of Business Administration Faculty Fellow. College of Business Administration, Kansas State University.
“Biggest Motivator” Award, Delta Sigma Pi (Honorary Business Fraternity), University of Oklahoma (2008).
“Professor of the Year” Award, Delta Sigma Pi (Honorary Business Fraternity), University of Oklahoma (2008).
Alumni Teaching Award, (Top-rated professor in a large class), Michael F. Price College of Business, University of Oklahoma (2008) ($8,402 honorarium).
Alumni Teaching Award, (Top-rated professor in a large class), Michael F. Price College of Business, University of Oklahoma (2009) ($7,412 honorarium).
“Biggest Influencer” Award, Delta Sigma Pi (Honorary Business Fraternity), University of Oklahoma (2011).
Weinstein Excellence Award, College of Commerce and Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2002). This award recognizes “the truly exceptional teacher, who by dedication, mentoring, and concern for students makes a difference in life of his/her students. CBA students were invited to nominate faculty for this award and a committee of students, faculty, and staff determine the recipient.”
Commerce Council Outstanding Teaching Award for a Large Class, College of Commerce and Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2002). Selected by the students in the College of Commerce and Business Administration.
Degrees Earned:
Ph.D. – Business Administration, The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management - Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
M.B.A. – Oakland University, Rochester, MI
B.S. – Packaging, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (with Honors)
Sarangee, Kumar, Jennifer Woolley, Jeffrey B. Schmidt, and Eileen Long (2015) De-escalation Mechanisms in High Technology Product Innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management 30:5 (forthcoming).
Zhang, Haisu, Timothy Basadur, Jeffrey B. Schmidt (2014) Information Distribution, Utilization, and Decisions by New Product Development Teams. Journal of Product Innovation Management 31 (forthcoming).
Sarangee, Kumar, Jeffrey B. Schmidt, and Jeffrey P. Wallman (2013) “Clinging to Slim Chances: The Dynamics of Anticipating Regret when Developing New Products.” Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (September) 980-93.
Schmidt, Jeffrey B., Roger J. Calantone, and Linda Tuncay (2012) “Grumpier Old Men: Age and Sex Differences in the Evaluation of New Experiential services.” Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (January) 88-99.
Roger J. Calantone, Janell D. Townsend, Sengun Yeniyurt, and Jeffrey B. Schmidt (2010), “The Effects of Competition in Short Product Life Cycle Markets: The Case of Motion Pictures.” Journal of Product Innovation Management 27(May) 349-61.
Schmidt, Jeffrey B., Kumar Sarangee, Mitzi M. Montoya-Weiss (2009), “Exploring New Product Development Project Review Practices.” Journal of Product Innovation Management 26(September) 520-35.
Roger J. Calantone, Daekwan Kim, Jeffrey B. Schmidt and S. Tamer Cavusgil (2006), “The Influence of Internal and External Firm Factors on International Product Adaptation Strategy and Export Performance: A Three Country Comparison.” Journal Business Research 59 (February) 176-85.
Schmidt, Jeffrey B., Roger J. Calantone, Abbie Griffin, and Mitzi M. Montoya-Weiss (2005), “Do Certified Mail Third-Wave Follow-Ups Really Boost Response Rates and Quality?” Marketing Letters 16 (April) 129-41.
Schmidt, Jeffrey B. (2005), “What We Still Need to Learn About Developing Successful New Products: A Commentary on Van Kleef, Van Trip, and Luning.” Food Quality & Preference 16 (April) 213-6.
Calantone, Roger J., S. Tamer Cavusgil, Jeffrey B. Schmidt, and Geon-Cheol Shin (2004), “Internationalization and the Dynamics of Product Adaptation – An Empirical Investigation.” Journal of the Product Innovation Management 21 (May), 185-98.
Sproul, Allen, Deborah Canter, Jeffrey B. Schmidt (2003), “Does Point-of-Purchase Nutrition Labeling Influence Meal Selection? A Test in a Military Cafeteria.” Military Medicine 168 (July) 556-60.
Schmidt, Jeffrey B. and Roger J. Calantone (2002), “Escalation of Commitment During New Product Development.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 30 (Spring) (103-118).
Lead article in issue. (This article won the Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award for Volume 30 (2002) of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science based on a vote by the members of the JAMS Editorial Review Board).
Schmidt, Jeffrey B., Mitzi Montoya-Weiss and Anne P. Massey (2001), “New Product Development Decision Making Effectiveness: A Comparison of Individuals, Face-to-Face Groups, and Dispersed Groups.” Decision Sciences 32 (Fall) 575-600.
Calantone, Roger J., C. Anthony di Benedetto, and Jeffrey B. Schmidt (1999), “Knowledge Acquisition in New Product Project Screening with the Analytic Hierarchy Process.” Journal of Product Innovation Management 16 (January) 65-76.
Schmidt, Jeffrey B. and Roger J. Calantone (1998), “Are Really New Product Development Projects Harder to Shut Down?” Journal of Product Innovation Management 15 (March), 111-23. (Lead article in special issue on ‘Really New Products’.
Awarded ANBAR “Citation of Excellence for the Highest Quality Rating Article” (see
Song, X. Michael, Mitzi Montoya-Weiss and Jeffrey B. Schmidt (1997), “Antecedents and Consequences of Cross-Functional Cooperation: A Comparison of Marketing, R&D, and Manufacturing Perspectives,” Journal of Product Innovation Management 14 (January), 35-47.
Song, X. Michael, Mitzi Montoya-Weiss and Jeffrey B. Schmidt (1997), “The Role of Marketing in Developing Successful New Products in South Korea and Taiwan.” Journal of International Marketing 5 (3), 47-69. (Special issue on Marketing in East Asia).
Calantone, Roger J., Jeffrey B. Schmidt, and C. Anthony di Benedetto (1997), “New Product Activities and Performance: The Moderating Role of Environmental Hostility.” Journal of Product Innovation Management 14 (May), 179-89.
Finalist – Best Paper Award.
Schmidt Jeffrey B., and Richard A. Spreng (1996), “A Proposed Model of External Consumer Information Search.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 24 (Summer) 246-56.
Calantone, Roger J., Jeffrey B. Schmidt, and X. Michael Song (1996), “Controllable Factors of New Product Success: A Cross-National Comparison.” Marketing Science 15 (4) 341-58.
Reprinted in “International Marketing” (2006) Masaaki Kotabe (Editor), New Delhi: Sage Publications Ltd.
Schmidt, Jeffrey B. (1995), “New Product Myopia,” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 10 (March), 23-33.