
This page of the WWW-Virtual Library covers all aspects of light microscopy, electron microscopy and other forms of microscopy.

Topics can be viewed individually, or as part of one long list. The newest links are periodically incorporated as part of the main list, and are also presented in my list of updates. The links on this site were last checked using Cyberspider on November 28, 2000, when all 2483 links were evaluated. Please enjoy.

For best results, use the frame on the left to guide your journey. The links have been adjusted to spawn a new browser page on which the external link can be expanded. (On a PC under Windows 3.1 you may have to simultaneously press the "ALT" and "Tab" key repeatedly to access it. On other machines, another button will appear on the screen.) If you are using Netscape 2 the "Back" key will behave unpredictably and you can leave the framed WWW-VL Microscopy Home Page unexpectedly. (You should probably upgrade!!) There is also a noframes option.

Some of the links in this site were developed in cooperation with MicroWorld Resources and News. The WWW Virtual Library in Microscopy is sponsored by the Samuel Roberts Electron Microscopy Laboratory and the University of Oklahoma. Please send inquiries, URLs, corrections through our nomination form or send an email to: Gregory Strout (gstrout@ou.edu).

Latest update: 6 March 2005.