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Terms and Conditions

Camppus sidewalk flanked by shrubs and lamp posts.

Sooner Card Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to all Sooner Card holders – including students, faculty and staff. The University of Oklahoma Student Code and Employee Staff Handbook govern the use of the Sooner Card credential. Misuse of the credential may be referred to the applicable office for disposition. The credentials may be revoked at the University’s sole discretion for violation of University policies and procedures.

Stylized crimson line.
  1. The Sooner Card Credentials (hereby known as Credentials) are the official physical and digital means of identification for the University of Oklahoma (hereby known as the University).  A Credential Holder may have any combination of active Credentials but will be limited to one physical card and/or one smartphone and/or one smartwatch active at any given time.
  2. The Credentials are to be used only by the person to whom they are issued, the Credential Holder.  The Credentials may be confiscated or revoked if presented by someone other than the Credential Holder. 
  3. Faculty and staff must relinquish their Credentials upon separation from the University. Access to facility and service privileges of the University will be deactivated when student, faculty or staff status is terminated.
  4. The University of Oklahoma Student Code and Employee Staff Handbook govern the use of the Credential. Misuse of the Credential may be referred to the applicable office for disposition. The Credentials may be revoked at the University’s sole discretion for violation of University policies and procedures.
  5. The Credentials must be presented upon request at the time of use to obtain services or to establish official University status. 
  6. There is no provision for signature on the Credentials. Additional identification or signature may be required for certain purposes. 
  7. Physical cards should not be altered in any way as they are equipped with internal circuitry that can be damaged through bending or modification. 
  1. Credentials will be issued only to individuals currently enrolled for classes or currently employed by the University.
  2. To obtain the Credentials, a valid, non-expired government issued photo ID with name, date of birth, and picture is required. For example, a state issued driver’s license, passport, green card, or military ID are accepted.
  3. For currently enrolled University of Oklahoma, Norman campus students, the initial cost of the Credentials is $30.  This fee covers any combination of physical and/or digital Credentials.
  4. For University of Oklahoma faculty/staff with an FTE of at least 0.5 and considered “regular” not “temporary” the initial Credentials are provided at no charge. Replacement physical cards will incur a charge as described in the Replacement Credentials section of the Terms and Conditions.
  5. Affiliates of the University of Oklahoma Norman campus include, but are not limited to, visiting scholars/researchers and employees that do not meet the FTE of 0.5 requirement and the “regular” requirement. These individuals may qualify for an Affiliate credential for a fee.  
  6. Contractors conducting business with the University may qualify for a contractor-specific physical card. In order to purchase the contractor-specific physical card, a Contractor Request form must be filled out in advance by a full time employee of the University who will sponsor the contractor for the duration of their engagement with the University.
  1. Lost or stolen Credentials must be reported immediately to the Sooner Card office as the University office will not be responsible for transactions that occur using lost or stolen Credentials. Credential Holders can suspend Credentials via from a desktop computer or mobile device using the Sooner Card eAccounts website or eAccounts mobile app.  Suspended credentials may be resumed through eAccounts.
  2. The replacement fee for lost physical cards is $30.
  3. The replacement fee for damaged physical cards is $10. The damaged physical card (in its entirety) must be presented in exchange, otherwise the fee is $30 for the replacement physical card. 
  4. Replacement of the physical card when there is a change of the Credential Holder’s status (change of name or change of identification number) is $10. The previously-issued physical card must be presented in exchange, otherwise the fee is $30 for the replacement physical card.
  1. Use of Sooner Sense Debit Account
    1. In general, there are no limitations on the number of times the Sooner Sense Debit account (the "Account") may be used for purchases or the dollar amounts of those purchases, so long as the Credential Holder maintains an adequate balance in the Account, except for limited-use cards issued for special events. However, limits may be asserted to prevent misuse of stolen or lost cards.
    2. The Account may be used for purchases at locations participating in the Sooner Sense debit program.
    3. The Account may not be used to purchase alcohol, tobacco, firearms, controlled substances or gift cards.
    4. The Credential Holder may be required to sign a receipt for goods or services.
    5. Accounts that have had no activity for 18 or more months may be closed. Account balances of $10 or less will be forfeited. Account balances of $10 or more will be credited to the Credential Holder's Bursar account.
  2. Responsibilities of the Credential Holder
    1. The debit feature of the Credentials is optional. The Credential Holder will activate the Account upon initial deposit. Activation of the Account signifies agreement with these Terms and Conditions.
    2. Deposits may be made with credit/debit card or cash. Credit card deposits may be made in-person at a Sooner Card office or from a desktop computer or mobile device using the Sooner Card eAccounts website or eAccounts mobile app. There is no limit on the frequency of deposits and funds will be immediately available in the Credential Holder’s Account.
    3. Positive balances that remain on the Account for faculty, staff and student Credential Holders will carry forward to the next term or year. Positive balances that remain on limited use cards that have expired will revert to the University immediately. 
    4. Upon leaving or graduating from the University or at the Credential Holder’s discretion, the Account may be closed by submitting a written request. Balances under $10 will not be refunded. Funds with balances greater than $10 will first be distributed to the Office of the Bursar and applied to the Credential Holder's outstanding Bursar account. Remaining funds will then be processed for refunds as per the Office of the Bursar refund policy.
    5. There will be no cash withdrawals or refunds from active Accounts.
    6. Account balances are non-interest bearing. 
    7. There is no service charge for using the Account.
  3. Merchant Policies and Error Resolution With Merchants
    1. Errors on receipts from merchants should be first addressed with that merchant. In addition, if the Credential Holder is unable to resolve error with the merchant, follow the steps below:
      1. Errors on receipts must be reported to the Sooner Card office no later than sixty (60) days after the error occurred. Errors that are reported orally must be followed by a written notification within ten (10) business days
      2. Credential Holder name, identification number, transaction description, transaction date and dollar amount must be provided when errors are reported. 
      3. The Sooner Card office will investigate recorded errors. The results of the investigation will, ordinarily, be made available within ten (10) business days of notification; however, if needed, the University may take up to forty-five (45) days to conduct the investigation. 
      4. The Sooner Card office will correct errors within 24 hours of determination and Credential Holders will be notified. If no error is found, a written explanation will be provided within three (3) business days after the close of the investigation. 
      5. In the event a merchant places a hold or deducts an amount different from the amount of purchase(s), the Sooner Card office will work with the Credential Holder and the merchant to address the discrepancy. 
      6. Copies of any documentation considered by the University during the investigation will be provided upon written request.
    2. Cash refunds will not be issued for returned merchandise purchased with Sooner Sense; instead, Accounts will be credited for the amount of the return. Merchandise must be returned to the location where goods and services were purchased and returns are subject to the return policy of the merchant. The University will not be responsible if any establishment refuses to honor Sooner Sense or for any other problem the Credential Holder may have with an establishment.
    3. Receipts will be available for goods or services purchased with Sooner Sense at attended point-of-sale locations and for deposits made in person.
  4. Shortages/Negative Balances
    1. It is the Credential Holder's responsibility to keep track of spending in the Account. If the Credential Holder attempts to use his/her Account when there are not enough funds in the Account, the transaction will not be approved. However, should the rare occasion arise when, due to a systems problem or otherwise, a purchase occurs with not enough funds in the Account a shortage or negative balance may result.  The negative balance will automatically be deducted from the next deposit. Alternately, the Sooner Card office may bill the Credential Holder's Bursar Account for a negative balance that is on the system for more than five (5) days.
  5. Fraudulent Chargebacks
    1. The Sooner Card office is entitled to freeze any funds remaining in an Account in the event of a credit card deposit that is charged back to the University. Chargebacks determined to be fraudulent may result in cancellation of a Credential Holder’s participation in the Sooner Sense Debit Account program.
    2. In the event the University must retain a collection agency to collect negative amounts from the Credential Holder, the Credential Holder may be held responsible for incurred collection fees, in addition to the negative amount.
  6. Account Usage/Account Statements
    1. The Credential Holder may obtain a printout of transactions from his/her Account at the Sooner Card office during posted office hours. Account transaction information may also be accessed from a desktop computer or mobile device using the Sooner Card eAccounts website or eAccounts mobile app.