Doctor of Medicine Program
The OU-TU School of Community Medicine is among the nation's leaders in the growing field of community medicine, which focuses on population-based health outcomes. Our curriculum emphasizes the promotion of public health through education, early diagnosis, disease prevention, and recognition of social, environmental and occupational components of health. Our graduates are skilled in caring for individual patients and analyzing the fundamental causes of disease in the communities in which they practice. Upon graduation, medical students match into primary care and specialty residencies. Recent students have been successful matching in many highly competitive residency programs.

MD Program Overview
The OU-TU School of Community Medicine is an integrated track within the OU College of Medicine.
Those interested in applying to the OU-TU SCM track should follow the admissions process for any applicant applying to the OU College of Medicine, and indicate their interest in the OU-TU SCM track on their application. More information about the two available tracks can be found on this page. Students that indicate an interest in applying to the OU-TU SCM track will be required to complete the SCM portion of the OU College of Medicine Supplemental Application. School of Community Medicine Track applicants will then be reviewed and considered for an interview with the SCM admissions committee. . For more information about applying to the OU College of Medicine please visit the OU College of Medicine admissions page.
You may also visit the OU College of Medicine main page for more information about the different Degree programs available through OUCOM.
For information about Public Health Scholarships at the School of Community Medicine please visit our page here.
Applications for admission to the College of Medicine are processed through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS). The application is an electronic application and is located on the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) website. The deadline for filing an application with AMCAS is October 15th.
MD Program Prerequisites
All applicants must be U.S. citizens or hold a permanent visa at the time of application. Minimum requirements to the College of Medicine are 90 semester hours with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and a Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) score of 21. These are minimum requirements and are not competitive for an interview. We use the most recent MCAT score when selecting applicants for interviews.
A candidate for the M.D. degree must have the following abilities and skills: Observation; communication; motor; conceptual, integrative and quantitative; and behavioral and social.
All applicants must have verification of the following prerequisite courses (to be completed by matriculation):
- General Zoology/Biology (including lab) - 1 semester
- General Chemistry - 2 semesters
- Organic Chemistry - 2 semesters
- Physics - 2 semesters
- English - 2 semesters
- Genetics OR Cell Biology OR Molecular Biology - 1 semester
- Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, or Humanities - 3 semesters
Recommended Courses:
- Biochemistry - 1 semester
- Writing Intensive English Course - 1 semester
Information Sessions
The OU-TU School of Community Medicine hosts Information Sessions several times a year for students interested in pursuing a MD or PA degree. Each session is two hours with the first hour consisting of a presentation about the School of Community Medicine and how it is beneficial. Also, we will discuss the details about each program and the necessary prerequisites. The second hour consists of a question and answer session with current MD and PA students at the School of Community Medicine.
4pm - 5pm:
- Information about the School of Community Medicine
- PA Program Detail and Prerequisites
- MD Program Detail and Prerequisites
5pm - 6pm:
- Introduction of current MD and PA Students
- Q & A with current MD and PA Students
Information Sessions are conducted every other month from 4:00pm-6:00pm in the OU-Tulsa Learning Center on the Schusterman Center campus at 41st and Yale.
For upcoming dates and to RSVP, please click on the link below.
Congratulations to Our Graduates
Congratulations to all of our past graduates! They have all made us very proud.
Contact Information
Meredith Talley
Director of Student Services and Admissions