Alliance for HOPE International helps children and adult survivors of domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual abuse find pathways to hope and healing. All of our programs focus on increasing Hope in the lives of children and adults and we can prove it. Through a partnership with the University of Oklahoma’s Center of Applied Research on Nonprofit Organizations, one of the leading Hope Research Centers in the country, Alliance for HOPE International measures Hope, Resiliency, Strength of Character, and a host of other outcomes from each of its programs and allied Family Justice Centers and other similar multi-agency Centers across the United States.
Hope Advocates
Trauma Informed and Hope Centered
A major strength of hope is the ease of understanding it offers to practitioners and communities. Several organizations have worked with Dr. Hellman to develop hope centered initiatives for individuals, families, and communities. Below are some links to those organizations and initiatives that advocate the power of hope and are developing hope centered organizations.
Alliance for HOPE International

Camp HOPE America

Camp HOPE America, a program of Alliance for HOPE International, is the first nationwide camping and mentoring initiative in the United States to focus on children exposed to domestic violence and child abuse. Camp HOPE operates in collaboration with Family Justice Centers and community-based domestic violence and child advocacy agencies across the United States at no cost to the camper or their families. The vision for Camp HOPE America is to break the generational cycle of family violence by offering healing and hope to children who have been exposed to the trauma and abuse of family violence.
The Parent Child Center or Tulsa

The Parent Child Center of Tulsa integrates innovative research on hope into the services we provide in the community. PCCT has found that the hope research fits within our focus on child abuse and neglect prevention. HOPE builds upon the strengths that our service recipients bring with them when they enter into our services.
During 2010, PCCT did an agency-wide survey of our clients including gathering information about hope. Dr. Hellman studied that information and confirmed that our services make a difference in the lives of the families we serve. The Parent Child Center of Tulsa has since integrated the pathways of hope research into all our programming and outcomes measurement. Click here to read that report.
The Family Support Center of South Sound

The Family Support Center of South Sound located in Olympia, Washington is a large multi service nonprofit agency providing comprehensive services to families with children and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking. Deeply rooted in the Principles of Family Support and the Protective Factors Framework, incorporating hope theory into our work was a natural fit. It helped us to move beyond trauma and ACEs with our clients, and provided a new opportunity to support clients. We view our services as pathways to supporting families/survivors in achieving their goals. We utilize the hope worksheet with adult clients, and are launching Camp HOPE in August 2017 and will track children’s hope using the children’s hope scale. We also incorporate the hope worksheet into service delivery.
Thurston Thrives

Thurston Thrives is a project aimed at bringing together community partners of Thurston County, Washington around the work we share. One of the main focuses of the project is to ensure that our county is thriving through the collaboration on the public health and social services that we bring to our community, to honor those who make Thurston County a healthy and safe place to live, and to align efforts to make an even bigger difference in the health of our community. The purpose is to engage our leaders across the board to move forward an action agenda we can all believe in to improve health for all Thurston County residents