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A Message from President Harroz - OU Campus Climate Survey

October 8, 2020

Dear OU Community,

Just over two months ago, we unveiled our comprehensive vision for our university’s future by launching our Strategic Plan for the Norman campus. Every aspect of our exciting path forward stems from our simple yet profound purpose: We Change Lives – three words that speak volumes about who we are and what we hope to always be.

Part of how we plan to do this is by fostering an environment that celebrates diversity in all its forms and supports emotional growth for all OU community members. To that end, we are inviting students, faculty, and staff to participate in campus-wide surveys to explore our campus climate by assessing the feelings, perceptions, and experiences of our community members.

Next week, you will receive an email invitation to participate in an anonymous campus climate survey. The campus climate surveys themselves are reputable and originate from the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI), an educational research organization. All survey responses are confidential, and data will be reported in the aggregate. There are three different campus climate surveys, intended for faculty, students, and staff, respectively. Taken as a whole, the results will help us understand the strengths of our campus and the areas in which we can improve.

Your opinions and your experiences matter. Your collective input will be incredibly valuable as we build a university community where all students, faculty, and staff can thrive. Thank you for your participation in this important initiative.

Live On, University,

Joseph Harroz, Jr.
