May 31, 2020
Ninety-nine years ago today, blood began to flow down Black Wall Street and the Tulsa Race Massacre ensued, marking one of the most tragic events in the history of our state and nation. And now, nearly a century later, we continue to live with the same violence and vitriol. The recent killings of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd are stark examples of black lives lost due to senseless brutality. We know that racism in all of its forms, explicit and implicit, is never more unfair than when it leads to the needless loss of a life. To become the country we know we can be, we must honestly address the issues that underlie these societal divisions and make real, systemic change. I urge our entire OU family to lend support, advocacy, and love to the marginalized black members of our own community. Together, we are stronger.
Joseph Harroz, Jr.