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Cheryl Walker-Esbaugh

Interlocking OU, Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Classics and Letters, The University of Oklahoma website wordmark.

Cheryl Walker-Esbaugh

Instructor and Faculty Advisor

Email: | Office: CARN 107 | Full CV (pdf)

Cheryl Walker-Esbaugh

Cheryl Walker-Esbaugh currently teaches Freshman-level Latin courses as well as Medical Vocabulary, an online course which she developed for students planning a career in the allied health fields. As well, she is a faculty advisor for both Classics and Letters students.

She is currently in the process of revising Dunmore and Fleisher’s Medical Terminology which is scheduled to be published in 2021. She serves on the Scholarship Committee and is the coordinator for OU Classics Day, an outreach event that has been bringing high school students to the University of Oklahoma every November for the past thirty years.