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Dr. Worthen and #MeTooMeredith

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January 1st 2019

Dr. Worthen and #MeTooMeredith

In late 2018, Dr. Meredith G. F. Worthen in the Department of Sociology created #MeTooMeredith: a social media platform that gives survivors a place to share their stories anonymously by sending a direct private message to @MeTooMeredith to be posted on the Instagram page.

Since its inception, The Norman Transcript, KOCO Channel 5, The OU Daily, and KGOU have all featured MeTooMeredith. In addition, thousands of followers have flocked to the page and hundreds of stories have been posted.

The stories themselves come from all over the world (Australia, Greece, India, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom to name a few) and although they are extremely difficult and triggering to read, sharing these stories can be healing at the individual level and to others who are reading stories they can relate to. Dr. Worthen hopes that MeTooMeredith is helping educate others about the prevalence of sexual violence and the systemic and insidious layers of rape culture so that larger cultural shifts can be made. Learn more on her website.