We have opportunities to become involved for all levels of commitment. Check below to discover ways you can assist. If you find something that you want to help with, please email us. If you have some other useful talent you want to utilize, please email us. Either way, we would love to hear from you.

In General

  • Show up to the Speakers Series - Speakers usually want to know how many people attend a speech and are not interested in traveling to OU to speak to a small group. The larger the attendance, the better the chance that a busy speaker with be interested in sharing their experiences with us. This is a rare opportunity to hear from distinguished people, and your presence matters.
  • Become a Member - Sign up at one of our regular meetings.
  • Show up to General Meetings - We value your participation, and what you get out of this organization will have much to do with what you put into it.
  • Volunteer - Help out as much as you can. Even if you can't make a big commitment, whatever you can do would be appreciated. When you hear of an opportunity to assist with a project that interests you, raise your hand.
  • Mention the Entrepreneur Society to others.
  • Refer people to this website.

Officer Positions

  • Publicist - We are interviewing applicants to assist with publication of our events. Duties include coordinating design of press releases, emails, posters, and flyers for events as well as working in contact with local media. Offers practical experience at leading small teams and professional promotions.
  • Funding Officer(s) - We need motivated people to coordinate fundraisers for our activities. Officers will lead teams to design, plan, and execute fundraisers of their choosing. Potential fundraisers are limitless, so creativity is encouraged. This position offers the opportunity to manage a team within an entrepreneurial venture in a very real sense. Email to arrange an interview.
  • Membership Officer - The Membership Officer is tasked with recruiting, engaging, and retaining members as well as seeking their opinions and suggestions in order to keep the society relevant to students. He or she has the opportunity to design events and social activities to attract and involve members. Applicants should have a desire to work with people. Creativity is encouraged.


  • Web Design - The Society website could benefit from an experienced web developer. Freehand xhtml and css preferred. Graphic design skill recommended.
  • Graphic and Visual Design - If you are a graphic artist or have an eye for visual design, you can help in many ways. We need designs for t-shirts, logos for the Entrepreneur Society, posters to publicize our events, and other promotional materials. If you can help out, please let us know or just submit your ideas via email.
  • Writing and Editing - Assistance needed with production and proof of copy. No particular background needed except comfort and competence with the written word.

Other Ways to Get Involved

  • Posting flyers - Posting flyers takes a chunk of time every once in a while. If you can help, it is a very small commitment but goes a long way to help us publicize events.
  • Chalking - Chalking, like posting flyers, takes a chunk of time every once in a while. If you have nice handwriting or skill with layout, you would be perfect.
  • Greeter - If you like meeting new people and helping them feel welcomed and involved, then you might be perfect as a greeter. Having someone say hello can make the difference in whether someone will come back. At booths during the start of the semester and events throughout the year, we really would appreciate your help.