Congratulations on your Concurrent Enrollment admission and welcome to the OU family! Below are your next steps to complete. You will need to complete these steps before you are advised and enrolled.
Your OUNet Account is your key to accessing OU’s technology resources, such as e-mail, enrollment and grades, course materials, computer labs and OU Libraries resources. Set yours up today and check it regularly.
You will enroll in your classes during your virtual advising appointment for each semester. You can schedule a virtual advising appointment by visiting Concurrent enrollment students must be present for their advising appointment in order to get advised.
Advising appointments will be held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the following advising windows:
Fall 2025 Semester: Advising will begin the first Tuesday in March and continue until the Thursday before the first day of class in August.
Spring 2026 Semester: Advising will begin the third Tuesday in October and continue until the Thursday before the first day of class in January.
Students can find their OU schedule at under the academics tab. They should be able to screenshot that schedule and send it to their HS counselor as enrollment confirmation.
Do you not know what you want to major in at The University of Oklahoma? Take this free assessment and you will receive a list of your best-fit majors at The University of Oklahoma. Create your profile and we will help you create your major and career plan based on your academic aptitude and interests.
Visit to check your OU email. Many OU departments and staff, including billing and your professor, will only communicate with you via this email address, so it is important that you check it regularly.
The Sooner Card is the official identification card for OU students, faculty, staff, and their affiliates. The Sooner Card is now available through mobile, i.e. iPhone and NFC-Enabled Android devices.
To put your Sooner Card on your phone, download and log into the Transact eAccounts app with your OU Net ID and password. You will then need to install PingID to authenticate, and can then add to your phone's wallet.
For more information, please visit
If you are taking in-person courses, visit to explore different parking pass options. Concurrent Enrollment students receive a discounted rate of $50 or less per semester and must be purchased in our Parking office or over the phone.
Contact OU Parking Services
The University of Oklahoma
1332 Jenkins Ave.
Norman, OK 73019-2451
Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Phone (405) 325-3311
If you are a Concurrent Enrollment student who does not want to buy a parking permit, you can park at Lloyd Noble Center and take the CART bus system to your building. You can park a Lloyd Noble for free.
Lloyd Noble: Bus Route #40
The Lloyd Noble Center Bus operate from 7 am to 9 pm on Mondays-Thursdays, 7 am to 6 pm on Fridays and no Saturday service. See the CART Schedule (pdf) for more information.
If you are a student at Norman High School or Norman North, you can take the Norman CART bus system to campus from your high school. There are CART stops near each school. The Norman Buses run from 7 am to 10 pm on Mondays-Fridays and 10 am to 7 pm on Saturdays.
Norman High: Bus Route #10
It will pick up every hour .09 after the hour and .36 after the hour
Norman North: Bus Route #21
It will pick up every hour at .29 after the hour.
Before or during the first week of courses, be sure to buy your textbooks. You can buy your textbooks anywhere, but the easiest place to buy your books is online.
Akademos is a fully online textbook store that was selected to be the university’s new provider for textbooks and course materials. Students are able to purchase textbooks and course materials from
Students can purchase physical textbooks (new, used, rental) and have them shipped to their home or campus address for free. Students will also have options to purchase digital or eBook. Additionally, Akademos offers a marketplace where students can buy and sell directly from individuals or third parties.
Tuition Payment:
The University of Oklahoma bills tuition, mandatory fees and course-related fees by semester/term. Bursar Services provides monthly email notifications, sent to students’ official OU e-mail address and their authorized users, the first of every month detailing charges and payments that occurred during the prior month. The student account charges that are billed on the first of each month are due by the 25th day of the month the statement was generated.
The student eBill is posted online at The student needs his/her student username and password to login to One. To view the eBill or make payments online, students will click on the Financial header on
Oklahoma Seniors:
Eligible Oklahoma high school seniors will receive a tuition waiver for up to 18 credit hours their senior year. This waiver is typically applied to eligible student accounts following the add/drop period of each semester. If a student has questions regarding the status of his/her waiver, he/she may contact Bursar Services at 405-325-3121.
Authorized Users:
Should a student wish to allow parent or authorized user access, he/she can authorize users to access his/her Bursar account to make payment:
Authorized user(s) will receive two e-mail confirmations:
When an authorized user has accessed the account, he/she will use the Bill Pay link under Authorized User Bill Pay on, to make payments. The student may authorize as many users as he/she wishes. Each user has access to view their own Bursar activity only.
For additional questions, please refer to, or call Bursar Services at 405-325-3121.