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Test Scores

OU is Test Optional

Test Scores in Admissions Decisions

At the University of Oklahoma, we recognize that a student is more than a test score. That’s why when evaluating a student for admission, test scores are just one component considered in our holistic process. Since OU is dedicated to providing access to students who wish to attend, we are a test-optional institution. Submitting test scores is still a great option for applicants, but we encourage you to review the below details and FAQs and choose which option works best for you. You will also see details about self-reported test scores and superscoring. 

OU is Test Optional

Admissions Decisions

Submitting scores from the ACT or SAT is optional for admission. At the time of application, students will share their plans regarding the submission or consideration of ACT or SAT as part of their application. 

All students will have their application evaluated in a holistic manner. The University of Oklahoma considers four parts to a student’s application: academic rigor and performance, engagement, essay, and letters of recommendation.

If you apply test optional, your high school transcript will be the primary criteria for determining academic preparedness for OU. This includes your GPA as well as academic rigor. For example, taking college preparatory, honors, Advanced Placement (AP), or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses increase your rigor score – this is highly important to the admissions committee. Please note: Students who had only pass/fail or similar grading options during the spring 2020 term will not be penalized.

Many students will still provide scores and will be able to self-report their scores at the time of application. Students who submit a test score will be considered in OU’s holistic admission process, which considers several factors that predict academic success. Students who submit self-reported scores will need to have them verified before the point of enrollment at OU. Providing a test score allows for accurate course placement and maximizes your opportunity for scholarships at OU.  In some cases it also could improve your opportunity to gain admission.

Scholarship Consideration

The University of Oklahoma will consider students for scholarships holistically. While test scores are not required for scholarship consideration, they are encouraged. To ensure the highest scholarship and to guarantee the fastest notification of an award, students are encouraged to submit an ACT or SAT score. Students can send updated test scores through April 30 to be considered for a higher scholarship amount.

Information about 2023 scholarship amounts is available. We encourage all students to file the FAFSA to maximize overall aid offering.

For consideration for our highly selective academic, nomination-based awards, we encourage students to submit a test score. If extenuating circumstances with regard to access to testing exist, we will evaluate on a case-by-case basis. To receive the Oklahoma State Regents’ Academic Scholars Program Award or Institutional Nominee scholarship from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, a student must have a test score on file.

Self Reported Test Scores

As part of the initial admissions and scholarship decision making process, the University of Oklahoma accepts self-reported ACT, SAT, PSAT, and PACT test scores from applicants. These decisions are contingent upon receipt of official test scores prior to course enrollment. Should we receive official test scores that do not match the self-reported scores, the Office of Admissions and Recruitment reserves the right to reevaluate and/or reverse an applicant’s admission or scholarship decision.

To confirm self-reported test scores, please have your official test score report sent to OU directly from ACT or the College Board (for SAT), as appropriate. Verified test scores must be received by OU prior to course enrollment at New Sooner Orientation.

The deadline to send official test scores and college transcripts with concurrent/dual credits is June 30. 


We will use superscoring for admission and scholarship decisions and will retroactively superscore ACT and SAT exams for students entering OU as freshmen in fall 2024 all the way back to tests taken in September 2016. PSAT and PACT will not be superscored. This policy does not retroactively apply to current OU students.

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Students who apply to OU can decide the information they want to share on their application. Wondering whether to submit your scores? Read below.

If you provided test scores prior to submitting your application but selected to be reviewed without test scores, your scores will not be visible to application reviewers. If you submit test scores and also indicate in your application that you want them used for admission and scholarship review, those scores will be factored in to our holistic review process.

We will treat your application the same with or without test scores. If you are denied admission or placed on the waitlist, you can provide scores as part of the appeal process.

Yes! Most applicants will still provide scores even after admission, allowing for accurate course placement and maximizing the opportunity for scholarships at OU. Please note, admission to the Honors College does still require a test score. If you do not have a test score to submit or choose not to submit one at any time throughout senior year, you will be required to take placement exams prior to enrolling at OU. 

If you apply test optional and are denied, you may submit test scores and appeal the decision. However, please know it is highly unlikely scores alone will reverse the decision.

A waitlist offer is not a denial of admission. If you are placed on the waitlist and accept your spot, you will be reviewed for admission should space become available in our freshman class. Submitting test scores is encouraged but does not guarantee you will be moved off the waitlist.

When deciding whether or not to apply with a test score, consider all factors and choose which option works best for you.

If they are available, submitting scores is a great idea for applicants. While we will consider students for scholarships holistically as well, your GPA and test score combination could result in increased scholarship offers. 

Some students don’t realize that scores they consider low can be beneficial during our decision process. We take your scores in the context of your school and local background because test scores are at least partly a reflection of your academic and personal surroundings and what opportunities have been made available to you.

Please note that if an applicant indicates on their application that they want test scores used for admission and scholarship purposes, those scores will be factored in to our holistic review process and a final decision cannot be made until scores are received.

The University of Oklahoma will consider students for scholarships holistically. We recognize a student is more than a test score, so we will still consider students without a test score for scholarships. The criteria for scholarship consideration will include your GPA and academic rigor in high school. These scholarship opportunities are different from the freshman academic scholarships that are listed with test score requirements on our admissions website. We still encourage you to submit a score after admission to be used for additional scholarship consideration and course placement. If you do not have a test score to submit or choose not to submit one at any time throughout senior year, you will be required to take placement exams prior to enrolling at OU.

No, applicants can submit the ACT, SAT, or both, and we’ll consider your best scores. We will also use superscores from both the ACT and SAT for admission and scholarship decisions.

When you apply to OU, you will be required to answer a question indicating whether you want your scores to be reviewed for admission or not. For the question, you will choose one of the following options: 

  • I DO want my ACT or SAT scores used in the evaluation of my admission application.
  • I DO NOT want my ACT or SAT scores used in the evaluation of my admission application.

OU accepts the following applications, and you will answer this question regardless of which application you submit. Please choose only one application and continue using that application throughout the entire process.

When a student selects on their application to be test optional, this is a choice they are making for both admission and scholarships. If a student changes their mind and later wants test scores used in the admissions OR scholarship processes, they will need to request a status change, even if this is after they are admitted and they only want the change because of scholarship consideration. You can update your choice by logging in to your application status portal.

For international students, OU does not require test scores for admission, so you do not need to indicate that you would like to apply test optional. However, you can submit scores to be considered for increased scholarship offers.

The average ACT score for Fall 2023 students was 26.1.

The ACT college code for OU is 3442. The SAT college code for OU is 6879.