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Margo Gnad

OU faculty and staff that helped define Margo’s OU journey

Dr. Ben Bigelow, who is not only Margo’s boss but her professor, mentor, and friend as well. In the past few years, she has helped Bigelow with day-to-day tasks. According to Margo, he continuously created an environment of support for women in the program and helped Margo turn her ideas into reality.

David Kyncl, who is one of the main academic advisors for the Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture. David was the first advisor Margo met at OU, and he inspired her to research Construction Science. This led Margo to change her career paths in construction.

Professor Matthew Reyes, who Margo can confidently say she and countless other students have learned a wealth of knowledge from.

Margo Gnad
Construction Science
From Tulsa, Oklahoma
Post-grad prospects: 
Accepted a position as a Field Manager 1 in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for History Maker Homes beginning in July

“I’ve had a wonderful time at OU, I’ve been involved in so many things and created wonderful events for the women in my field. I have made lifelong friends here as well as lifelong mentors.”

Margo Gnad, a Construction Science 2022 graduate, committed her time as an undergraduate student at the University of Oklahoma to ensuring women interested in a construction career have resources, options, and community support.

“My degree means so much to me, being a woman in a field where women are so underrepresented makes me value this achievement even more,” Margo said. “My degree is one more step towards meeting and empowering women in my field and hopefully inspiring more to follow.”

One of Margo’s favorite OU moments was coordinating the OU Women’s Equipment Day with the College of Architecture. This event invited women students, both OU and non-OU students, in any construction-related field to attend. During the event, women were taught how to operate equipment and heavy machineries, like a boom lift, a concrete buggy, and a skid steer, and connected students with other classmates and women in the industry.

As a freshman, Margo joined Alpha Sigma Kappa, Women in Technical Studies, because she wanted to connect with a group of women who were in similar fields. For two semesters, she participated in the OU Concrete Canoe team, where OU students design, create, and race a canoe made of concrete. Margo also served as a member and as vice president of the Construction Student Association (CSA).

“I joined CSA to become closer with my classmates and to help create events where students could network,” Margo said.

From the friends she made, the community she found, and the challenges she overcame, Margo is proud to be a graduating Sooner.

“I’ve had a wonderful time at OU, I’ve been involved in so many things and created wonderful events for the women in my field,” Margo said. “I have made lifelong friends here as well as lifelong mentors.”