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Typeface Uses

Our four typefaces add texture and variety to our visual system. The weights and styles have been purposefully selected to create contrast that allows the four typefaces to work in harmony.

MONGOOSE is a condensed sans serif that lends a bold, strong voice to headlines. It should always be used in all-caps.

ARBORIA is geometric and architectural with humanistic touches that lend a friendly quality. It’s highly legible at both large and small sizes.

OBVIOUSLY WIDE provides contrast to the narrow and square proportions of Mongoose and Arboria. It is always treated with an outline to provide a textural effect in sub-heads or supplementary text.

FREIGHT is a modern serif typeface evolved from more traditional styles. Use it tracked-out in all-caps to create an elegant sub-head treatment, or as body copy.


Mongoose Bold
Arboria Black

Sub-Heads & Textural Copy

Obviously Wide Semibold
Freight Text Pro Bold
Arboria Black

Body Copy

Arboria and Freight may be utilized for body copy.

Together, with multiple weights and italic versions, they provide the flexibility needed to create hierarchy within a body of text, differentiating between captions, callouts and details.

Arboria Bold, Arboria Bold Italic, Arboria Medium, Arboria Medium Italic, Arboria Book, Arboria Book Italic, Aa
Freight Text Pro Black, Freight Text Pro Black Italic, Freight Text Pro Semibold, Freight Text Pro Semibold Italic, Freight Text Pro Book, Freight Text Pro Book Italic, Aa

Typefaces In Use

Many Passions One Purpose

Freight and Arboria are paired to create contrast in this heading. The all-caps, tracked-out treatment keeps the words legible and refined at a small size.

There's Only One

Mongoose Bold is our primary headline font, paired with Arboria Black to add emphasis to important words (“ONE”).

Lorem ipsum dolar vador

Freight and Arboria again work together to create emphasis within a sub-head.

Placeholder text example of dropcap: Ficia volupta sam, untem latem se sunturibus aut quis vollorepudis erernam explatum eos estibustrume sus este nobis molore ni ut andi occaece aquibusdae volupta quos sae el ius nustota testem nosamet ut prerum as reribus sequat.

Mongoose may be used as a drop cap.
Freight Text Pro Medium creates a paragraph with texture and style.

Ficia volupta sam, untem latem se sunturibus aut quis vollorepudis erernam explatum eos estibustrume sus este nobis molore ni ut andi occaece aquibusdae volupta quos sae el ius nustota testem nosamet ut prerum as voluptur reribus sequat mosantioris rentisqui dolorestorro dolum eosandi taturem sae.

Reducing the type size and changing the typeface to Arboria Bold creates secondary text that is clearly differentiated yet harmonious.

Sooner Nation

Play with rotation to create a textural moment within the composition. The type is outlined so as not to compete with the primary headline and body copy.