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Chemistry and Biochemistry

Stephenson Life Sciences Research Center building exterior

OU Chemistry & Biochemistry

Welcome from the Chair

John Peters.

It is with excitement and enthusiasm that I welcome you to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Oklahoma. We invite you to accept the challenge of becoming an agent for positive change in the 21st century. As our nation and world struggle with a multitude of problems ranging from growing energy needs to human health and welfare in a shifting climate, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is taking a leading role in the discovery and development of new approaches to improve the human condition. With 35 faculty representing diverse areas of expertise in the chemical and biochemical sciences, our department is interested in educating and training the best and brightest future leaders of tomorrow’s academic, industrial and government institutions.

Supporting this effort, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry moved in the summer of 2010 to the 160,000-square-foot Stephenson Life Sciences Research Center. More than 110 graduate student and postdoctoral researchers work side-by-side with faculty in a highly interactive environment to solve some of the most pressing challenges of our time. The Stephenson Life Sciences Research Center was created with an eye toward further growth, with several new faculty from cutting-edge disciplines expected to join our team during the next few years. The center is home to several major core facilities and research support services, including mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction facilities.

Our faculty are among the top-funded researchers at OU, with numerous external research grants and contracts. Nine of our faculty hold distinguished or endowed professorships and 12 have received awards for excellence in teaching and/or research. The faculty are committed to offering new cross-disciplinary courses for our students. The department encourages undergraduate students to get started in research early and graduate students to develop personalized research programs that cut across traditional barriers in the chemical sciences. For example, a student can opt to study biochemistry, conduct research in an organic chemistry laboratory and attend regular meetings in the analytical sciences. Our faculty work closely with each student to tailor a graduate program that specifically suits his or her needs and interests.

I encourage you to explore our department, who we are, what we do, and what you can accomplish here. All of us in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry look forward to answering any questions you may have about where we are going and how you can contribute to becoming an agent for positive change. This is an exciting time for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and I am honored to serve as its chair.


John W. Peters
Associates Second Century Presidential Professor
Department Chair 

Our Mission

The mission of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is to instruct students and provide expert advice to academic, industrial and government institutions on the role of chemistry and biochemistry in the natural world.

$80 M

value of the Stephenson Life Sciences Research Center


square-feet in the Stephenson Life Sciences Research Center


full-time faculty 


years to complete Ph.D. (National Average: 6.7 years)

Stylized crimson line.

Upcoming Events


This mini symposium is focused on the transporters that assemble and functionalize this complex structure. It highlights both the progress and the limits of our understanding of how (lipo) polysaccharides, (glyco)lipids, and other bacterial secretion products are translocated across the different layers of the cell envelope to their final extra- cytoplasmic location.


View Event Program

Speakers include: Dr. Mary Jackson, Dr. Edward Yu, and Benjamin M. Swarts.

Stylized crimson line.

Department News

January 06, 2025

How a Single Nitrogen Atom Could Transform the Future of Drug Discovery

Researchers at the University of Oklahoma, led by associate professor Indrajeet Sharma, have developed a breakthrough method of adding a single nitrogen atom to molecules, unlocking new possibilities in drug research and development. Now published in the journal Science, this research is already gaining international attention from drug manufacturers.

August 19, 2024

Biochemistry Researcher Applying NSF Grant to Improve Gene Editing Technology

Rakhi Rajan, an associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of Oklahoma, has received a renewal grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to improve the accuracy of CRISPR-Cas technologies.

August 01, 2024

OU Research Team Working to Advance Gene Editing and Bioimaging Techniques

Yihan Shao, an associate professor of chemistry at the University of Oklahoma, has received a Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award from the National Institutes of Health to develop computer modeling tools for studying the enzymes critical for CRISPR gene editing and biomedical imaging tools for cancer tumors.

April 29, 2024

Undergraduate Scholarship Winners

The department congratulates Anna Lewis, Amer Abuabed, and Vignesh Anand on receiving the Summer 2024 Provost’s Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Fellowship.

April 23, 2024

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry hosts Chickasha High School Students

OU faculty Rakhi Rajan, Len Thomas and Steven Foster hosted 11 AP Chemistry students and teacher Novah Klein from Chickasha High School. Dr. Rajan organized the all-day event to promote a future in STEM and encourage students to join our department in their future academic endeavors.

April 12, 2024

2024 Chemistry & Biochemistry Spring Awards Banquet

The department's annual award banquet was held in the Molly Shi Boren Ballroom on Tuesday, April 9, 2024. Undergraduate and graduate students, who were nominated by faculty members, were presented with awards based on their Graduate Teaching Assistant skills, and outstanding scholarly and research activity. The Society of Chemical and Biochemical Researchers, the department's student organization, also presented awards that were peer-voted.

More About OU Chemistry & Biochemistry

Explore our undergraduate majors, courses offered and research opportunities.


Learn more about our graduate program, courses offered and financial assistance.


Explore our research areas, facilities, support services and centers. 



People, Resources and Seminars

Learn more about our faculty, staff, postdocs and graduate students. 



Explore our list of resources for faculty, staff and students.



Interested in attending a seminar? Explore upcoming and past seminars hosted by the department. 


Ready to Get Started?

Browse our research areas, faculty pages and the degrees we offer to see where you can find a home here in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry.

Research Areas


Divisions within the areas of chemistry and biochemistry are used at OU to organize teaching assignments, course requirements and degree candidacy requirements. There are seven divisions at OU: Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Materials, Organic, Physical Chemistry and Structural Biology.






Our outstanding and award-winning faculty contribute to the development of new scientific understanding and training of our students and professional research associates.






Degrees Offered


The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry offers degrees for both undergraduates and graduates, including a Chemistry minor, Chemistry and Biochemistry B.S., Chemistry B.S., Biochemistry B.S. and Chemical Biosciences B.S., as well as M.S. and Ph.D degrees.




Support OU Chemistry & Biochemistry


We are grateful to our strong network of supporters. Your support allows our undergraduate and grauate students the opportunity to excel in research and in the classroom alongside our dedicated faculty. For information on how you can contribute efforts or resources to the department, please visit our Support page. 



Student pipetting in a lab