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Grade Posting Policy

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Grade Posting Policy

Adjust your grade posting policy to hide (mute) your grades while you are grading an assignment in order to release all scores and feedback to students at once.

A Grading Posting Policy can be set at two different levels: The ASSIGNMENT Level or The COURSE Level

What is the default setting for the Grade Posting Policy?

By default, Canvas releases grades to students as you enter them. By using a Manual Grading Policy, all students can instead receive their grades at the same time.

How do I verify that students cannot see their grade before I begin entering them?

Make sure the “MANUAL” label is displayed at the top of the assignment header in the gradebook (see [1] in graphic below).


Canvas gradebook with numbers that correspond to numbers in the text on the next section of the page.. The number 1 is pointing to the word Manual in the header of the column for the first assignment. The number 2 is pointing to the visibility icon in the header of the column for the second assignment. This icon looks like an eye with a line crossing through it and indicates that the assignment is muted and students cannot yet see their grades for this assignment . The number 4 is pointing to the column of three dots at the right side of the header of the column for the second assignment. Clicking these dots opens the Options menu for this assignment. The number 3 is pointing to the visibility icon for the total grade for the third student shown in the gradebook and indicates that the total grade visible to the student differs from the real total grade due to the visibility restriction on the second assignment.


If a manual posting policy has been applied in a course, all assignment headers will display the Manual label [1]. This label indicates that a manual posting policy is currently in place and future grades are hidden from student view.

Once a submission has been graded, the assignment header displays the Visibility icon [2]. This indicates that there are grades within the assignment that must be posted before they can be viewed by students.

When grades are hidden from student view, the Total column also displays the Visibility icon [3]. This indicates that the total grade in the Gradebook differs from the total grade viewed by the student.

To manage the posting policy for an assignment, click the Options icon [4].



How do I select a grade posting policy for a course in the Gradebook?

How do I select a grade posting policy for an assignment in the Gradebook?

How do I post grades for an assignment in the Gradebook?

How do I hide grades that were previously posted in the Gradebook?

How do I hide/post grades from SpeedGrader?



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