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Graduate Certificates

The Memorial Union clocktower at dusk.

Graduate Certificates

General Information

Graduate certificates can add additional job credentials to those seeking particular types of positions. They signal to employers that the holders of the certificates have concentrated coursework in that specialty. SLIS currently offers three graduate certificates:

  • Archival Studies (G021)
  • Digital Humanities (G315)
  • Data Analytics for Information Professionals (G300)


Admissions Information

Applicants must have earned at least a Baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited university with a G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher. Conditional admission is not allowed for graduate certificates. All students who intend to pursue a graduate certificate must complete the online application for graduate admission.

Additional information about graduate certificates is available from the Graduate College’s Bulletin section: 2.4 Graduate Certificates.


For Current OU Graduate Students:  

A student who is admitted to a graduate degree program is not automatically granted admission to associated graduate certificate programs. Students enrolled in a graduate degree program who intend to pursue a graduate certificate must apply to add the graduate certificate program by completing an Addition or Change of Program Application (ACOP).   Please ensure you select the correct graduate certificate code when adding it to your program (see the 3 digit code next to the corresponding graduate certificate).


For applicants who are not current OU Graduate Students:  

All applicants who intend to pursue a graduate certificate must complete the online application for graduate admission. Applicants must be admitted to the Graduate College to qualify for a graduate certificate. Once admitted, students must enroll for the term of admission to retain active status as a graduate student

Students who are admitted solely to a graduate certificate program:

  • are not eligible for financial aid
  • are not candidates for a graduate degree
  • are not assured future admission to a graduate degree program
  • may take no more than the maximum number of hours required for the graduate certificate
  • are not eligible for grade forgiveness under the Graduate College Course Repeat Policy.

Archival Studies

The graduate certificate in Archival Studies will provide a formal indication of training which is imperative for securing an archivist position. It will endorse the abilities and knowledge of the certificate holders, thereby increasing their marketability.

  • Most job ads for archivist positions require an MLIS from an ALA accredited program. They also require that the applicant has completed archival studies course work. The graduate certificate in Archival Studies will be a useful tool for MLIS students who are seeking archivist jobs as it easily verifies for employers that graduates have an archival studies background. 
  • Also, the national organization for archivists, the Society of American Archivists (SAA), supports graduate certificates in archival studies citing research that hiring managers view them favorably, and even offering their own SAA certificate programs.
  • While most archivist jobs require an MLIS, many also state “or related degree” with archival coursework. The American Historical Association shows in research on historians’ jobs that some percentage of degreed historians end up working in archives. For those students with related degrees rather than MLIS degrees, the graduate certificate in Archival Studies could be a useful tool for seeking employment in archives.
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that jobs for archivists, curators, and museum workers will grow at a rate of 7% from 2014 to 2024 (2,100 new jobs)


  • LIS 5343 Archival Concepts 
  • LIS 5563 Archival Appraisal
  • LIS 5463 Archival Representation 
  • LIS 5473 Documents and Records Management 
  • LIS 5653 Preservation of Information Materials
  • LIS 5970 Digital Curation
  • LIS 5970 Archives in the Museum Setting
  • LIS 5970 Archival Practice in the Digital Age

For additional course information visit:

Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities is a rapidly developing multidisciplinary field supporting diverse forms of scholarship, particularly those in which researchers make use of computational power and digitization to interact with source materials in ways that would not be possible otherwise.

The Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities provides a pathway for individuals working in the humanities, social sciences, and the sciences to advance their understanding of how potential transformative methods, tools, models, applications, and theoretical frameworks are being put to use in expanding the scope and scale of inquiry in the humanities disciplines.



  • HSTM 5613 Issues and Methods in the Digital Humanities

GUIDED ELECTIVES - CHOOSE TWO in consultation with your certificate advisor.

Following are some possibilities for electives. Others may apply with permission.

  • A HI 5913 Visual Culture in Theory and Practice 
  • C S 5093 Visual Analytics 
  • ENGL 5463 Rhetoric & Technology 
  • GEOG 5623 Seminar in GIS Design 
  • JMC 5970 Digital and Transmedia Theories 
  • LIS 5343 Archival Concepts and Traditions 
  • LIS 5453 Digital Collections 
  • LIS 5613 Dynamic Web Development 
  • LIS 5623 Introduction to Data Mining for Information Professionals 
  • LIS 5673 Introduction to Information Visualization 
  • LIS 5970 Digital Curation
  • LIS 5970 Cultural Heritage Data and Social Engineering


  • HSCI 5623 Practicum/Internship in the Digital Humanities 
  • LIS 5823 Internship in Library/Information Centers
  • LIS 5940 Directed Project

For additional course information visit:

Data Analytics for Information Professionals

The graduate certificate in Data Analytics will provide a formal indicator of training in skills currently in great demand by libraries and many other organizations and industries. The certificate curriculum is designed to teach students how to apply data tools to solve workplace problems and is appropriate for people who do not have a background in computer science.



  • LIS 5643 Introduction to Data Analytics 
  • LIS 5623 Advanced Data Analytics


  • LIS 5683 Database Design for Information Organizations
  • LIS 5063 Information and Communication Technology
  • LIS 5673 Introduction to Information Visualization
  • LIS 5693 Information Retrieval and Text Mining
  • LIS 5970 Data Stewardship

For more course information visit: