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Leslie receives the Loretta McQuire Fellowship

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March 2020

Carrie Leslie receives the Loretta McQuire Fellowship

Congratulations to Carrie Leslie for being awarded the Loretta McQuire Fellowship! Carrie is one of five graduate students selected across the College of Arts and Sciences for this award. Carrie is currently focusing on Environmental Sociology and Environmental Justice as a doctoral student and recently published "Regenerative Development and Environmental Ethics: Healing the Mismatch between Culture and the Environment in the Third Millennium" with Dr. Thomas J. Burns and Dr. Tom W. Boyd. This is a new fellowship being awarding for the first time. In addition to her GTA funding, Carrie will receive a multi-year fellowship cash award beginning in fall 2020 ($1500) and continuing at a rate of $2K each fall for the years 2021, 2022, and 2023. 

Well Done Carrie! We are proud of you!