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Bejar named CSC Fellow

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June 2021

Sociology PhD student Matt Bejar named Carceral Studies Consortium 2021-2022 Graduate Fellow

Congratulations to Matt Bejar, who will be joining the Carceral Studies Consortium as the 2021-2022 graduate fellow, starting July 1, 2021.

Matt is pursuing his Ph.D. in Sociology with an emphasis in Criminology and the Sociology of the Family. He received his Bachelor's in Secondary Education (History) and his Master's in Sociology from Arizona State University. Matt’s research interests in criminology focus on the theoretical explanations of crime in society. From a control theory perspective, these interests include the agents of the carceral state, the situational opportunities of crime, and the limitations of the criminal legal system. His current projects include a comparison of criminological theories utilizing attitudes towards antiheroes in television and an investigation into self-control related to adult deviance. The former will be presented at the 2021 Society for the Social Problems annual meeting. He also teaches Intro to Sociology. Outside of academic pursuits, Matt enjoys competitive chess and caring for his two ferrets. 

Congratulations Matt and Well done!