Lesson 2  WebStudy  Distance Learning on the World Wide Web
Internet Navigator...  A Simplified Guide to Netscape GOLD


By now you have noticed..., when you visit a link, the URL Address (line of text) changes "color". This is very helpful to the users of WebStudy..., keeping track of what "subject areas" have previously been visited.

Remember..., Link colors may vary from WebPage to WebPage.
Initially, this may be confusing, but the "acid test" for URL Links is to...,

Notice the "mouse pointer" changes from an arrow..., to a hand, with a finger pointer!

Links can be (and very often are) Images (.gif or .jpg) on your Browser.

Notice..., the Border around the Image is the same color (Red) as the "Linked Text", and when you touch your (mouse) pointer to it the Status Message it reads: N_Viewing_WebPages.htm

Use the Back Button to return to this page!  

"Click on" Next Page at the bottom of the Previous Page..., (N_Viewing_WebPages.htm)

It is possible to open a Link with a New Browser Window. Opening multiple Browsers is especially useful because the user can read the contents of one Browser Window..., while the information in the other Browser Window is Loading.

Use the RIGHT Mouse Button to "click on" the yellow [An Image With a URL Link] Image Link (above).

This Window will Pop-up!
New Browser Window  Pop-up

"Click on"  Open Link in new Browser Window

If you are a brand new beginner using the Internet. Two Browsers might be "twice as confusing". When you get more comfortable with Navigating around the Web, having two (or more) Browsers open...,will be common place.
Next Page  |  Previous Page  |  Read what Netscape Says about Links  Use the Netscape Toolbar "Back" Button to return here!
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All contents copyright (C) 1996, Dennis Paul Fehler All rights reserved.