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Funding Undergraduate Research

Funding Undergraduate Research


GCOE Undergraduate Research Fellowships

To support access to undergraduate research for more students than have traditionally participated, funding is available through the Tomorrow’s Engineers fund from Dolese for approximately 20-25 undergraduate research fellowships. These fellowships are available for summer, fall, and spring terms. The two different fellowship opportunities are:

  • Engineering Research Fellowships for students with some experience working with the faculty member already. Maximum budget $3,000 all paid as student stipend.
  • Engineering Research Entry Apprenticeships for students new to research. Maximum budget $3,000 with $2,600 student stipend and up to $400 for expendable materials and supplies.


To complete a proposal, a student must collaborate with their current or potential research mentor. The fellowships are not intended to fund Honors Research.

Proposals are due the semester prior to the work: 2nd Monday in March for Summer, 2nd Monday in April for Fall, and 2nd Monday in November for Spring.


*Read the guidelines carefully for what information is required, including budget guidelines.

Honors College Funding

The OU Honors college has two different funding opportunities for undergraduate research:

  • Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Open to all OU students (not only Honors program). Awards are $1,000 paid as a scholarship to the student, generally used for materials and supplies.
  • Honors Research Assistant Program (HRAP) Restricted to Honors students; Awarded to faculty to hire students for 10-weeks at $1,000 for 10 hours per week.

Provost’s Undergraduate Research and
Creative Activity Summer Fellowship

The UReCA Summer Fellowship is intended to provide support to enable students to perform undergraduate research and creative activity over a ten-week period during the summer.  The UReCA Summer Fellowships are open to all students in any discipline supervised by a faculty mentor. The research and creative activity performed over the summer should result in a thesis, journal article, presentation, show, or performance that contributes to the creation and dissemination of knowledge and creative works. The UReCA Summer Fellowship provides a $4,250 stipend for the student and $750 to the faculty mentor to help support the student research and creative activity. Please review and use the guidelines to aid with your proposal.