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Degree Programs

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We offer the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs in Biomedical Engineering. Students can apply directly for the Ph.D. degree without already having an M.S. Degree. 

Students who have their degree in an area other than Biomedical Engineering may have to take additional courses besides those listed in the curriculum. Research under the degree can be within any of the areas our faculty work in as listed on their web pages.


Master of Science

The Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering degree program can be readily completed in two years. A thesis is required.

BME M.S. Checksheet

BME Graduate Program Electives Updated 2-4-22

Course work requirements for M.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Electives
Choose four courses in Biomedical Engineering from a list maintained by the School of Biomedical Engineering  12 hours
Life Science Electives 
Choose two courses in Life Sciences from a list maintain by the School of Biomedical Engineering
6 hours
Additional Engineering, Science, or Math Electives 
Choose two courses in engineering, science or math selected in consultation with the student's research supervisor
6 hours
BME 5980               Research for Master's Thesis
6 hours
TOTAL Credit Hours30 Hours 

SBME Graduate students should select BME electives and Life Science electives from the SBME Pre-Approved Graduate Course List provided. Courses not from the list need to be petitioned toward the Graduate College in order to be counted toward these two elective categories.


Doctor of Philosophy

The Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering requires ninety post-baccalaureate hours, which include 12 hours in biomedical engineering (graduate credit, chosen from the list of approved BME elective courses), six hours in life sciences (graduate credit, chosen from the list of approved life science elective courses), and additional six hours can be selected from other engineering, science, or math elective (STEM) courses (graduate credit, not from both lists of approved BME and life science electives) in consultation with the student's research supervisor and advisory committee if available. A student with a B.S. degree can enter the Ph.D. program directly; the student does not have to complete the M.S. thesis as part of the Ph.D. degree.  At the end of the program, the student will demonstrate excellence in scholarly research by authoring and successfully defending a Ph.D. Dissertation. 

During the Ph.D. program, the student is required to take a general examination in accordance with Graduate College requirements. The general examination must be taken in the semester (not including the summer semester) finishing course works or the semester immediately followed.

SBME Graduate students should select BME electives and Life Science electives from the SBME Pre-Approved Graduate Course List provided. Courses not from the list need to be petitioned toward the Graduate College in order to be counted toward these two elective categories.

BME Ph.D. Checksheet

BME Graduate Program Electives Updated 2-4-22

Course work requirements for Ph.D. in Biomedical EngineeringMinimum 30 hours
  • Biomedical Engineering Electives (BME Electives)
12 hours
  • Life Sciences Electives
 6 hours
  • Additional Engineering, Science, or Math Electives (STEM electives)
6 hours
  •  Statistics Course - approved by Ph.D. advisory committee and signed by the Grad. Liaison
 3 hours
  •  BME 5971 Seminar in Biomedical Engineering Research
3 hours 
Dissertation Credits Requirements2 - 60

Possible Additional Coursework

0-58 hours

Total Hours Requirement

90 hours

 Additional Requirements


BME electives must include 3 hours of physiology unless this requirement has been satisfied through prior undergraduate or graduate study (as determined by the Graduate Studies Committee). Students who have fulfilled the physiology requirement through prior coursework will not receive credit toward the degree for additional physiology courses taken at OU unless the SBME graduate liaison approves in advance. BME 4813 Quantitative Physiology (with graduate credits) is recommended.



For Non-engineering background students (non-biomedical engineering students).  There might be a potential need to complete undergraduate engineering course work that will not apply towards your Ph.D. course requirements.  The need of the course/s will be determined at admission, 



Accelerated Dual B.S. Biomedical Engineering / M.S. in Biomedical Engineering

BS in Biomedical Engineering / MS in Biomedical Engineering (A108/F109)

Students completing this program will receive two degrees: the  B.S. in Biomedical Engineering and the M.S. in Biomedical Engineering. This program allows students to share 12 hours of credit that apply to both their undergraduate and graduate degrees. Students should apply for this program option no later than March 1 during their Junior year. Please contact Nicole Palmeter ( for application materials to apply.


Doctor of Medicine / Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering

Outstanding students may also want to apply for the M.D. / Ph.D. program. Students completing this program will receive two degrees, the Doctor of Medicine degree through the OU Health Sciences Center and the Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering degree through the Norman campus. This degree requires a doctoral research dissertation. Visit the Health Sciences Center webpages for additional information about M.D./Ph.D. degrees offered through the Health Sciences Center.