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Dr. Joy Pendley, Director of Community Engagement

Joy Pendley is a Research Scientist at the Center for Applied Social Research. Pendley is currently conducting the qualitative research for the NIH project titled Social Cognitive Influences on Scientific Research Careers among American Indians: RFA-GM-13-009; Research to Understand and Inform Interventions that Promote the Research Careers of Students in Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences (R01). As a Professor of Practice, she also teaches community engagement courses where undergraduate students learn action research methodology and work with community stakeholders to research concerns and develop action plans. Students have worked with Spanish-speaking leaders and organizations to address problems with severe weather communication and policy that negatively impact community members. Students have also partnered with Identity Coalition to provide policy research on state issued identification cards, with Academy Town Hall to research voting process and engagement in Oklahoma and with The Douglas (OKC) to provide affordable housing research and policy analysis to assist their development strategies.

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Community Engagement Advisory Committee

The Community Engagement Advisory Committee includes representatives from each college on the Norman Campus, from other relevant centers and units, from OU Tulsa and OUHSC, and from the community. The purpose of this committee is to provide feedback to the Director of Community Engagement and staff about the community engagement activities and to produce an annual report on community engagement initiatives and outcomes.

Provost Advisory Committee on Service-Learning (PACSL)

The Provost Advisory Committee on Service-learning (PACSL) establishes criteria for service-learning courses and an application process for faculty to have their courses officially designated as service learning courses. This designation will be visible in the enrollment process and on the student transcripts, making it easier for students to locate service-learning opportunities and for the university to track student and faculty participation. Each year, the PACSL assesses the quality of the service learning curriculum and provides a report to the Director of Community Engagement with recommendations for further development of this curriculum. The PACSL  includes faculty from various departments and colleges who have experience with service learning and include representatives from other relevant units including the Writing Center and the Office of Academic Assessment.

Tri-Campus Committee

The Tri-Campus committee is composed of representatives from the OU Norman campus, OU Tulsa campus and the OUHSC campus. The Committee meets quarterly to share resources and coordinate structures and processes.