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KT Duffy

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KT Duffy

KT Duffy is a new media artist from Chicago’s southwest side and is currently an Assistant Professor in Art, Technology, and Culture at the University of Oklahoma. Duffy conjures entities into existence via code-based processes and digital fabrication. As a Neurodivergent-NonBinary person, the normative modalities of learning and making were not designed for them. To move through these structures, they made their own systems, glitching and patching and breaking the entanglements of binary logic; manifesting into infinite possibility, translating the immeasurable interconnection of transcendent sentience, and examining the impending demise of binary systems.  


In addition to their own creative practices, Duffy is a member of a number of many ongoing collaborative endeavors such as Langer Over Dickie Projects, CQDELab, and Mx. Studio.

