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Honors Research Assistant Program

The Honors Research Assistant Program provides Honors students an opportunity to work with professors as paid research assistants. Specific projects and the type of work entailed varies with each participating professor. HRAP participants work for ten weeks, at $10 per hour. Twenty-five HRAP positions are funded each fall and spring semester. 

HRAP Eligibility

Honors College students with at least 15 hours of college credit and a 3.4+ GPA are eligible to apply for HRAP positions. HRAP may not be combined with other Honors programs or requirements (such as Research 3980 or UROP)

Open HRAP positions are listed below at the start of each fall and spring semester.

Contact Jeff Cooper at, (405)325-8692 with questions. 

HRAP Hours Requirement

  • Students who are US citizens are limited to 29 hours of paid work per week, total, at all OU jobs
  • Students who are not US citizens are limited to 20 hours of paid work per week, total, at all OU jobs.
  • HRAP requires that you work 10 hours per week. Please keep this in mind if you have more than one on-campus job.

Spring 2024 positions are full. Check back in Fall 2024 for new opportunities.