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Grants Development

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Header image for Grants Programming - stack of two books in green. Image Text: 2024-2025 Arts and Humanities Grants Development. In partnership with the OU Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE)"

In collaboration with the OU Center for Faculty Excellence, the Arts & Humanities Forum presents the following calendar of events and resources in grant-writing information and development for the 2024-2025 academic year.  Events are open to OU Faculty and Graduate Students, and pre-registration below.

Spring 2025 Workshops

Logo for the National Humanities Center

Info Session with National Humanities Center (NHC) Program Officer

Monday, February 3rd, 2025  1 – 2:30pm CT (online)

During this Zoom info session, Martha Kelly, Vice President for Scholarly Programs at the National Humanities Center (NHC) will provide an overview of the Fellowship and Summer Residency Programs at the NHC, in North Carolina. She will describe the application and review process and be available to answer faculty questions about the fellowship, residency, and applications. OU faculty who have been Fellows and Summer Residents at the NHC will also be on the Zoom call to answer questions and discuss their experience. This workshop is open to all faculty at OU in the humanities or interpretive social sciences. Please RSVP by filling out this registration survey. We will send a calendar invitation and further information in advance of the workshop. Contact Julie Tolliver,, with questions.

Book Proposal Workshop

Three sessions held May 12th, 14th, and 16th, 2025 10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Zoom)

Are you planning to write a book proposal to send to publishers?  The book proposal is a high-stakes document that can influence academic publishers and set your scholarly book production in motion. The Center for Faculty Excellence, in collaboration with the Arts and Humanities Forum, is offering a three-day workshop on writing your book proposal. 

Session 1: May 12, 10 am – 12pm

Session 2: May 14, 10 am – 12pm

Session 3: May 16, 10 am – 12pm

This is a sequence of meetings, so please plan to attend all three days.  The workshop is online via Zoom. Facilitators will walk you through the steps and elements of writing an effective book proposal, beginning with finding the right press for your book, developing the documents you must send, and outlining a plan for writing the full manuscript. The first FIVE registered participants will receive a copy of The Book Proposal Book (Laura Portwood-Stacer), which is highly recommended as a guide for your process. Contact Julie Tolliver ( with questions. Register for the Book Proposal Workshop.

Fall 2024 Workshops

Dr. Julie Tolliver

Strategies for Research and Creative Activities in the Arts & Humanities

December 10th, 2024, 10 am – 11:15 am CT

One-sentence summary of the event: An overview of strategic planning for long-term (book or other multi-year) projects.

Description: Come develop your strategy for productive research! An interactive 90-minute workshop aimed at arts/humanities faculty who are starting a new book (or other multi-year) project, or who are in their first year at OU. The workshop will help participants identify the different moving pieces that are part and parcel of the project, integrating long-term and short-term strategic planning, grant development (internal and external), book writing, publication, and public-facing products. Participants will leave with a concrete timeline for the various components of their own projects.

Event Venue/Location: Zoom link follows registration.

NEH Logo: drawing of the US Eagle symbol with image text "National Endowment for the Humanities"

Info Session: NEH Fellowship Cohort

October 25th, 2024, 12 pm – 12:45 pm CT

One-sentence summary of the event: A short presentation followed by Q&A about the November-April NEH proposal writing workshop program sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Forum and the CFE.

Description: Are you interested in applying for an NEH individual fellowship? Would you like to work on your proposal with the support and accountability of peers? This public info session will introduce participants to the timeline, methods, and expectations of the upcoming NEH Proposal Writing Cohort, to take place November 2022 to April 2023 (exact dates to be determined; 15 participants maximum). The info session on October 14th will include a brief presentation (20-30 minutes) followed by Q&A. Feel free to eat lunch during the session. 

Event Venue/Location: Zoom link follows registration. 

Stack of 6 books in rainbow gradient. Image text in green Faculty Books and Projects.

Book Proposal to Fellowship Proposal

August 14th, 2024, 10 am – 11:15 am CT

One-sentence summary of the event: This is a workshop on how to transform a book proposal into a fellowship proposal.

Description: Are you working on a book project? Do you have a partial draft of a book proposal floating around in your files? Why not turn it into a fellowship or grant proposal? This will help you update your book proposal, which will result in a better document to eventually send an editor—and it has the potential of getting you some dedicated leave time to write the book! Come learn how to adapt your book proposal to a range of possible fellowship applications.

Event Venue/Location: Zoom link follows registration. 

Register for Book proposal to Fellowship Proposal.

Point of contact: Julie-Françoise Tolliver,