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Center for Faculty Excellence

Trees and buildings on OU's campus in Norman, Oklahoma.

Welcome to the Center for Faculty Excellence

Our mission at the Center for Faculty Excellence is to guide all University of Oklahoma faculty in every facet of career development, including teaching, community engagement, and research and creative activities, from their first year at OU through the full arc of their faculty career.

CFE Announcements

Call for Faculty Fellows for 2025

The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) requests proposals for year-long Faculty Fellowships (Jan.-Dec. 2025) that build upon and enhance CFE’s existing programming, resources, and activities to further support OU faculty. Faculty fellows develop resources to support OU faculty as they develop their scholarship through research and creative activities, teaching, community engagement, and service.  

All OU faculty are eligible to apply. Check out the CFE Fellowship Call (DOCX) for more detailed information about the program and application instructions.

Fireworks display at Owen Field.


CFE Events Calendar

Campus mums on the South Oval of OU's campus.