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Mat Maker Project

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OU Mat Maker Project

two male students picking up trash

At the 2024 Leader Summit, we announced the OU Mat Maker Project!

We have been collecting clean plastic shopping bags and now we need volunteers to begin making “plarn” (plastic yarn) that will be woven on large looms to create easy-to-carry mats for distribution through a local nonprofit.

This will be an ongoing service project that also provides an on-campus volunteer opportunity. Shifts will open about two weeks in advance.

sign up to volunteer

We are collecting clean plastic shopping bags from Walmart/Target, etc. Please drop your plastic bags by Leadership & Volunteerism (OMU room 247 or 253) between 9 am-4 pm (M-F).

Prepare Bags for Weaving

Load the Loom, Weave, and Finish the Mat

Making the Cord

Rolling up the Finished Product