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Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory

Flooded forest with cypress trees in southeastern Oklahoma.

Providing BioDiversity Information

Oklahoma Natural Heritage Program is responisble for maintaining an inventory of the state's habitats and species.  Our focus is on rare and endangered species, species of special concern, and significant ecological communities.  Heritage biologists conduct field inventories of rare species and communities to gather current information about the state's biodiversity.  We provide this information for environmental planning, resource management, protection of significant natural areas, endangered species review, and biological research and education.



Non-native Watercress in Oklahoma Springs

New publication by recently retired aquatic biologist, Dr. Liz Bergey.


Conservation In the News!

Heritage Biologists talk to OU's student newspaper, the OU Daily, about insect conservation.

New rare plant found in Oklahoma

Heritage Botanist, Amy Buthod officially documented the federally threatened species Geocarpon minimum (Caryophyllaceae; earth fruit) in Oklahoma for the first time.

Robert Bebb Herbarium

The herbarium's mission is to document and promote understanding of plant diversity in the state of Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Natural Areas Registry

A voluntary conservation program for private landowners who have rare species, natural habitats, or unique geologic features on their property.

Oklahoma Biological Survey

ONHI was integrated into the Oklahoma Biological Survey at the University of Oklahoma in 1987.



Species of Odonates - Dragonflies & Damselflies - in Oklahoma


Ecoregions in Oklahoma



federally threatened or endangered species in Oklahoma


Oklahoma Plant Taxa are Critically Imperiled!


rare plant taxa are considered historic and have not been officially reported in over 20 years!