MBA Students Win Big XII Case Competition
NORMAN – Master of Business Administration students from the Price College of Business at the University of Oklahoma placed No. 1 in the nation in the eighth annual Big 12 Case Competition, a national case competition hosted March 27 through 29 by the University of Kansas School of Business.
The team members – Sarah Fullerton, Kelsy Litchenburg, Matt Palmer and Eric Sullivan – competed against eight other teams of Master of Business Administration students and won $2,400 for finishing No.1.
“This victory by our students shows that the Price College of Business at OU is a leader in building Oklahoma’s economic future,” said OU President David L. Boren.
The team was assigned a real-world business problem from Sporting Innovations, a software company designed to enhance fan experience and increase revenue for their clients. The students then analyzed the challenge and presented their solution to the judges, which included three top managers from the company. The teams were judged on quality of recommendations and realistic financial projections after two rounds of oral presentations and question-and-answer sessions.
Price College’s recent success at the Big 12 Case Competition marks the fourth case competition this academic year that OU business students have won or placed in the top three.
Ranked in the top 50 undergraduate business schools by U.S. News & World Report, the Price College of Business is one of the nation’s premier business colleges. This year, U.S. News & World Report ranks the college’s International Business program in the top 20 in the nation while Entrepreneur magazine in association with The Princeton Review ranked the Entrepreneurship undergraduate program in the top 10 and graduate program in the top 25 in the nation.