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General Counsel

Judicial Branch - General Counsel

The SGA's Office of General Counsel has many duties to best serve the students of the University of Oklahoma including: advising students who are charged with academic misconduct or student code violations, as well as students who wish to appeal a grade; reviewing Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) policy agreements; and ensuring that the SGA constitution and enactments of the Legislative Branch are followed.

OU logo.
Maddie Taylor

General Counsel

OU logo.
Morgan Perry

Associate General Counsel

Resources for Students

The Office of General Counsel works to provide help with:

Academic Misconduct and Student Code Violation Charges: Once a student has been contacted by the Office of Academic Integrity Programs regarding a charge of academic misconduct or student handbook violation, the student has within ten (10) regular class days to contact the Office of Academic Integrity Programs to schedule a conference to discuss the matter.  The Office of General Counsel can advise the student on what to expect and how to proceed at the meeting.  If a student becomes involved in a campus hearing regarding the academic misconduct or student handbook violation charge, the General Counsel’s Office can advise and work with the student before the hearing to determine the best way to defend against the charges.


Grade Appeals: The Office of General Counsel can advise students on the grade appeal process, including the required initial meeting with the instructor who gave the disputed grade.  After a student has informed their instructor of the disputed nature of the grade (no later than February 15 for the previous fall and winter sessions and September 15 for previous spring or summer sessions) and attempts with the instructor to resolve the grade dispute have failed, the Office of General Counsel can help the student file a written request for a hearing with the Academic Appeals Board.  If granted, General Counsel can represent students in hearings before the Academic Appeals Board and provide strategic advice.