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Academic Grade Appeals

Academic Appeal Procedures and Board Policies


The Gallogly College of Engineering (GCoE) has established an Academic Appeals Board (AAB) consisting of at least one faculty member from each school or program, and one undergraduate student from each school or program. Consistent with the University of Oklahoma’s policy, AAB members will be used as a selection pool for case-specific Hearing Panels. 

The bases for an academic evaluation appeal, is one that is of prejudiced or capricious evaluation, or alleged inability to speak the English language to the extent necessary to adequately instruct student(s). In the event of multiple students filing an academic evaluation appeal with one faculty member from the same course section, the appeals will be considered together as one appeal; however, all written information to the students and instructor will be sent separately. In cases of end-of-term evaluations, a student must notify an instructor of a dispute over an academic evaluation and must attempt to resolve differences no later than February 15 for the previous fall semester or winter intersession; and no later than September 15 in cases of end-of-term evaluations for the previous spring semester, spring intersession, or summer session.

University Academic Integrity Policy for Grade Appeals (PDF)

The burden of proof rests with the student or students filing an academic evaluation appeal (hereinafter referred to as “Student Appellant”). If a hearing is to be held, a case-specific Hearing Panel will be selected from the list of AAB members by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. A Hearing Panel consists of two faculty members and two students, none of which may be from the student or faculty member’s school or program.

General University procedures concerning Academic Appeals can be found in the Office of Academic Integrity. These procedures identify important timelines and initial steps to resolve a disputed academic evaluation. Procedures specific to the GCoE are intended to supplement but not supersede the University policy and only applied if the Student Appellant has not satisfactorily resolved their academic evaluation concern with the faculty member.

GCoE Procedures and Policies

General University procedures concerning Academic Appeals can be found under the Academic Appeals Policy of the Student Code. Procedures specific to the GCoE, intended to supplement but not supersede the University policy are: 

1. The Student Appellant must contact the GCoE’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs within 10 calendar days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and University holidays from classes, and hereafter referred to as “business days”) following the day when the initial attempts at resolution are completed. The Associate Dean will, within 10 business days, attempt to resolve the disputed academic evaluation. If the faculty member is unavailable due to leave of absence or termination, the school’s or program’s Director or Chair will serve the interest of the degree offering program.

2. If the Student Appellant has not satisfactorily resolved their academic evaluation concern in mediation with the Associate Dean, the Student Appellant must file a formal written appeal to request a Hearing Panel within 10 business days. The written request for a hearing will be the submission of GCoE’s Academic Appeal form to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. This form can be obtained from the GCoE Dean’s Office. Once the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs receives the Academic Appeal form from the Student Appellant, he/she will then ask the instructor for his/her position statement regarding the academic evaluation. The instructor’s position statement is required within 10 business days after receiving the Student Appellant's written appeal. Once the two positions statements have been submitted, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will request from both the Student Appellant and the faculty member a response to the position statements. These are to be received to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs within 10 business days. These four documents will constitute the Academic Appeals Packet. This timeline applies only to the nine-month academic calendar, unless mutually agreed upon by both parties. 

3. Procedure for a preliminary review of Academic Appeals - The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will select AAB members to serve on the Hearing Panel. Each member will independently review the Academic Appeals Packet and vote, by written ballot to either convene a hearing before the Hearing Panel or deny based on a lack of merit. If it is unanimously determined that the Student Appellant’s position is without merit, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will immediately inform the Student Appellant. A minimum of one affirmative vote is sufficient to convene the Hearing Panel. The Hearing Panel will then elect a chairperson for the Hearing Panel within 10 business days. The Hearing Panel will then relay the decision to hold a hearing to all parties: Student Appellant (in the case of multiple students filling an academic appeal, each student will be informed separately), faculty member, Chair/Director of the course offering, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. 

-Hearing Procedures
a.Scheduled within 10 business days.
b.Only evidence and witness testimonies pertaining to the disputed academic evaluation submitted at least seven business days prior to the scheduled hearing date will be considered.

All Hearing Panel meetings will be recorded.

d.Each party must advocate for her/himself; outside council will not be permitted in the hearing room.
e.Each party will be allowed 5 minutes to make an opening statement (starting with the Student Appellant).
f.Each party will be allowed 30 minutes to present evidence and witnesses (starting with the Student Appellant). Either party will have the right to ask questions of the witnesses. The allotted time doesn’t apply to questions to witnesses from the opposing party or questions to witnesses from Hearing Panel members. An additional 30 minutes may be requested in writing before the hearing for extenuating situations. It will be the sole discretion of the Hearing Panel (unanimously determined) to grant the extended time to both parties equally.
g.Each party will be allowed 5 minutes to make a closing remark (starting with the Student Appellant).
h.Following closing remarks, all parties will be excused from the hearing room including, if present, any university official not a member of the Hearing Panel.
i.Upon completing their deliberation, the Hearing Panel will issue a written decision signed by those members in the majority. In the case of a 2-2 vote, the originally assigned assessment grade is maintained. Any member in the minority may write a dissenting opinion to be included in the final Hearing Panel decision. The written decision is to include either the instructor’s grade or a recommended new grade for the disputed academic evaluation.
j.The Hearing Panel chairperson will communicate in writing the Majority report to the Student Appellant (in the case of multiple students filling an academic appeal, each student will be informed separately), faculty member, Chair/Director of the course offering, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.

4. The decision of the Hearing Panel shall be final and shall be implemented unless either the Student Appellant or the instructor makes an appeal under the general University procedures concerning Academic Appeals.