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Changing Degrees, Major, and Minors

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Changing Degrees, Majors, or Minors

Major or Degree Change Within the Same College

Students wishing to change their major or degree within the College of Fine Arts must go to the Fine Arts Dean’s office (Fred Jones Center, Suite 122) and complete the appropriate form.  The student will then be instructed as to whom they should see for advising for the new major/degree.


Change of College

Students wishing to change colleges should go to the prospective college advising office and complete a Change of College request form.  Once accepted into the new college, the form will then be sent (or the student may take it) to their previous college advising office.  If the student is accepted, their remaining records will be requested by the new college and the major changed.



Students wishing to declare a minor must go to the advising office of the college in which the minor exist and complete the appropriate form.  The college in which the minor exists enters the minor into the student record system.  The Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts offers minors in Art, Art History, Dance History, and Music.