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Student Learning Center

Fountain in front of Lissa and Cy Wagner Hall building.

Student Learning Center


The mission of the Student Learning Center (SLC) is to enhance students’ critical thinking abilities, academic success, and positive study habits. As part of the Academic Success Center at the University of Oklahoma, the SLC offers quality tutoring for over 100 courses campus-wide, ensuring that students have access to the support they need to succeed. The SLC fosters increased participatory learning with active and collaborative learning techniques, enabling students to take responsibility for and assume authority in their learning activities.

All of our Peer Learning Assistants (PLAs) are certified through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA), an internationally recognized program that trains tutors in effective learning strategies, communication, and student-centered support, ensuring that our students receive the highest quality of academic assistance.

Stylized crimson line.

Hours of Operation

Drop-In Tutoring Available

What: Drop in for course-specific tutoring with our tutors (Action Tutoring) or join faculty-led sessions (Action Center)

Where: Tutoring spaces across campus include:

  • Wagner Hall (1005 Asp Ave, southeast of the Union)
  • Bizzell Memorial Library (Learning Lab LL1)
  • Cross Learning Center (Cross Center A112)
  • Headington and Dunham Residential Colleges (200/250 W Lindsey)
  • Language Learning Center (Kaufman Hall 221-B).

When: Check our current walk-in tutorings below

Two students with long dark hair sit next to each other at a table in a tutoring center, both focused on the open laptop in front of them. One student gestures with her hand, while the other listens attentively. Both are seated on chairs, surrounded by a quiet academic environment, with papers and study materials spread out on the table.


What: A small scheduled tutoring session for course-specific materials or study skills consultations with one of our Peer Learning Assistants that can have up to 6 people.

Where: To sign up for an Action Appoint please go to  *All sessions are dependent on Peer Learning Assistants' availability* 

Questions? Contact Our Main Office

  • Location: Wagner Hall 245
  • Time: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
  • Email:
  • Phone: (405) 325-7621

If you don't see your course listed for tutoring, please contact our office for assistance.

Stylized crimson line.


Study Nights are designed to help students establish successful study habits by giving them a jump start on their exam preparation as well as encouraging interactive learning with fellow peers. In addition, Study Nights provide students with an additional opportunity for academic assistance before their exams by utilizing various resources such as worksheets and Kahoot review sessions aimed to ensure students are prepared for the content of the exam.

For Fall 2024, Study Nights are provided for courses below:

  • BIOL 1124
  • CHEM 1315
  • CHEM 1415
  • DMAT 0113/0123
  • ECON 1113/1123
  • PHYS 2514
  • PSY 1113
An advisor helping students with notes at a desk.
Stylized crimson line.


Study Skills Consultations are one-on-one appointments with a peer study skills consultant. Study skills consultants use a combination of reflective questions, assessments, and practical activities to help students develop broad academic skills. These meetings are personalized to meet the goals of each student. Students are welcome to schedule more than one appointment as needed on Appointments can be held in person or virtually. Below are some topics that can be covered.

Two students sit together at a table in the learning center, engaged in conversation. The student on the left holds a pencil and has a notebook beside her, appearing ready to take notes. The student on the right has an open book in front of her and is smiling warmly as they talk. Both seem relaxed and engaged in their discussion.
Time Management

Through activities and assessments, students will identify their challenges and goals for prioritizing their time. Students will also discuss strategies for addressing procrastination, distractions, and motivation.

Two students sit side by side at a table, both focused on a book they are sharing. The student on the left has their arms crossed, listening attentively to the other student. The student on the right is pointing to a specific line in the book while explaining something.
Note-Taking Skills

Activities will be provided to help students learn different methods of note-taking, strategies for reading and annotation, and how to incorporate their notes into active learning strategies like creating concept maps, note organization, and reading notes aloud.

A classroom with rows of desks filled with students.
Test-Taking Skills

Test-taking activities will focus on active studying methods, tips for taking the exam, and strategies for reducing test anxiety. Students will also be introduced to the "5-Day Study Plan". We'll also look at how you can best learn from past exams. 

Two students sit at opposite ends of a couch in the Wagner Hall lobby, both smiling and relaxed. The student on the left is holding a school newspaper with their legs crossed, while the student on the right has a laptop resting on their crossed leg. The scene captures a casual, friendly moment in a common area, with both students engaged in their activities.
Technology and Resources

During your college career, you'll be expected to use platforms such as Canvas, Zoom, and One. Our consultants can help you navigate these platforms to learn essential skills to enhance your academic experience.

*Study Skills Consultations are also available in group format for classes, student organizations, or meetings. To request a workshop or if you would like to request a custom academic skills workshop, please email us at

Faculty Partnerships

We partner with over 30 faculty and 20 GTAs/Instructors per semester to run Action Centers for their courses. See the information below and contact us to learn how to join us.


Faculty can utilize their office hours to run an Action Center or request the Student Learning Center to set up Action Tutoring for their course. They can also ask for Peer Learning Assistants-led Study Skills Workshops or collaborate with us on Study Nights for their students.