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Assessment Committee



The Provost Advisory Committee for Learning Outcomes Assessment (PACLOA) was originally established by the Provost to play a crucial advisory role regarding assessment of academic programs at OU.  PACLOA has led, in part, to significant successes regarding improvement of various aspects of assessment at OU such as organizing and hosting the annual Assessment Forum, discussing findings of the annual OU Student Satisfaction Surveys and developing OU Policy of Academic Assessment of Student Learning.  To enhance the effectiveness of the group and cultivate a culture of assessment and continuous improvement of student learning, as well as promote continued faculty buy-in, PACLOA was reconstituted to serve both advisory and representative functions.  

Committee Functions and Structure

The overall charge of PACLOA is to advise the Provost on assessment of student learning activities/initiatives at OU.  To accomplish this, PACLOA comprises two sub-committees, (1) College Assessment Representatives and (2) Institutional Effectiveness. The sub-committees advise and work closely with the Office of Academic Assessment to recommend ongoing enhancement of assessment infrastructure, policies, processes and products and, support the ongoing efforts to cultivate a culture of assessment of student learning and continuous improvement at OU.

College Assessment Representatives


To foster effective and efficient assessment-related communication within Colleges and promoting faculty buy-in, College Assessment Committee:

  1. Reviews and assists in communicating program-level assessment policies to departments/schools. This may include:
    • Any changes recommended by the group regarding the current assessment policies.
    • Changes in the assessment-related criteria of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and assessment requirements by State Regents.
  2. Discusses the outcome of annual review of program assessment reports and identifies best practices in program assessment at OU.
  3. Proposes and supports assessment-related professional development activities for faculty (e.g., helping to increase participation in the annual Assessment Forum, proposing participation in other national and/or regional Assessment Conferences, and identifying innovative practices for enhancing program assessment processes and boosting faculty buy-in).
  4. Recommends recognition of and/or incentives for faculty participation in professional development activities in (3) above.


  • Mohammad Almasri, Associate Professor, David L. Boren College of International Studies
  • Suchismita Bhattacharjee, Associate Dean, Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture 
  • Ioana Cionea, Associate Dean, Graduate College
  • David Craig, Professor, Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication 
  • Scott Greene, Professor and Research Scientist, College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences
  • Kylie Harrison, Director of Business Communications, Michael F. Price College of Business
  • Aiyana Henry, Associate DeanJeannine Rainbolt College of Education
  • Melissa Inglis, Interim Associate Dean, College of Professional and Continuing Studies 
  • Michael Markham, Associate Dean, Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences
  • Harold Mortimer, Associate Dean, Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts
  • Runar Nygaard, Director of Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering, Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy
  • Teri Reed, Director, OU Polytechnic Institute, OU Tulsa Campus
  • Randa Shehab, Associate Dean, Gallogly College of Engineering 
  • Phyllis Taite, Associate Dean, College of Law
  • Felix Wao, Associate Provost, Office of Academic Assessment (Chair)

Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Institutional Effectiveness


The Institutional Effectiveness subcommittee charge and membership are currently under review.