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Teaching Squares

Teaching Squares

Teaching Squares is a semester-long program where you can reflect upon and enhance your teaching while learning from and growing with your colleagues. In this program, you will be paired with colleagues who represent a wide range of expertise, experience, and disciplinary background. Together, your "square" will engage in reciprocal classroom observations during the semester. This peer observation is non-evaluative, supportive, and focused on the growth of all participants. At the end of the semester, all squares will gather for a celebratory discussion in which we will reflect on the various ways that observing our colleagues' teaching enriched our own teaching.


Teaching Squares was created by Anne Wessely at St. Louis Community College and has been implemented at numerous other institutions of higher learning. CFE’s Faculty Fellow, Erin K. Freeman, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology, brought Teaching Squares to OU in 2023 after having participated in the program at another university.

Dr. Erin Freeman
Dr. Erin Freeman

“My participation in the program continues to be a highlight of all of my professional development. It was an utter delight to sit in on my colleagues’ classes—classes that ranged in subject, size, and modality—and to see the wide variety of ways successful teaching can look. The process is not evaluative, and the focus is on oneself and what one can learn about one’s own teaching from observing colleagues, rather than on a critical evaluation of the person being observed. By prioritizing self-reflection, I felt free to truly learn from my colleagues and to honestly consider my teaching strengths and weaknesses. The experience inspired me to grow as a teacher and brought me a greater appreciation for my colleagues and my university” ~ Dr. Erin K. Freeman

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Eligible and Encouraged to Participate?

OU Regular and instructional faculty at every level and from all disciplines. We are unable to include GTAs at this time.

What is the Time Commitment for Participation?

Approximately 6-8 hours over the course of the semester.  This includes an introductory meeting, three classroom visits, and an end-of-semester celebratory discussion.

Why Should You Participate?

Teaching Squares is a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon and grow within your teaching. In addition to professional development and material to add to your teaching portfolio, Teaching Squares builds community by providing opportunities for collaboration and friendship with colleagues across the university.

What if I've Taught for Decades, or What if I'm New to Teaching?

We encourage everyone to participate. In fact, we strive to organize the squares so that there is intentionally a mix of experiences represented. This benefits everyone involved.

How Can I Participate?

You should register to join Teaching Squares! Registration is announced in the Center for Faculty Excellence’s newsletter before each semester. You can also contact CFE for more information.