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Iman Ghamarian

Iman Ghamarian

Iman Ghamarian

Assistant Professor

Phone: (405) 325-1715
Office: Felgar Hall 218
Office Hours: Thursday 4:00pm-5:00pm
Website: AMDL Research Website
Google Scholar: Dr. Ghamarian's Google Scholar Profile

Postdoc., Materials Science & Engineering (2021)
University of Michigan
Ph.D., Materials Science & Engineering (2017)
Iowa State University
M.S., Materials Science & Engineering (2012)
University of North Texas
B.S., Materials Science & Engineering (2010)
Sharif University of Technology, Iran


Research Focus

Dr. Ghamarian's research focuses on establishing methods for tuning structural materials by understanding the relationships between processing, microstructure, and properties. For this purpose, Dr. Ghamarian uses extensive coupling of four activities which are

  1. 3D printing of materials by various additive manufacturing methods
  2. data analytics to shed light on the information which is laborious to capture
  3. advanced characterization using different electron microscopes
  4. computation at different length scales to correlate the characterization and mechanical property results to their governing mechanisms. 

The overall output of his research is expediting cost-efficient materials development following Materials Genome Initiative goals. For more information on Dr. Ghamarian's research, please visit the Accelerated Materials Development Lab (AMDL) website.


Experience and Awards

  • SAMPE's first place outstanding paper award, 2015
  • Featured article on the cover of JOM journal, 2014
  • Outstanding K-12 volunteer award, 2013
  • Master/Doctoral fellowship award, 2010


  • Dr. Ghamarian currently serves as a technical reviewer for Scientific Reports, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, Materials Letters, JOM, Microscopy and Microanalysis, Computational Materials Science, and Materials Characterization journals in the areas of additive manufacturing, machine learning, and characterization.
  • Microscopy Society of America (MSA), 2014-present
  • The Mineral, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), 2012-present

Additive Manufacturing and Characterization

  • I. Ghamarian, L. Yu and E. Marquis, “Quantification of solute topology in atom probe tomography data: application to the microstructure of a proton-irradiated alloy 625”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 51 (2020) 42-50.
  • I. Ghamarian, P. Samimi, G. Rohrer and P. Collins, “Determination of five parameter grain boundary character distribution of nanocrystalline alpha-zirconium thin films using transmission electron microscopy”, Acta Materialia, 130 (2017) 164-176.
  • I. Ghamarian, P. Samimi, A. Telang, V. Vasudevan and P. Collins, “Characterization of the near-surface nanocrystalline microstructure of ultrasonically treated Ti-6Al-4V using ASTAR/precession electron diffraction technique”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 688 (2017) 524-531.
  • B. J. Hayes, B. W. Martin, B. Welk, S. Kuhr, T. Ales, A. Baker, I. Ghamarian, D. Brice, C. Haden, G. Harlow, H. Fraser and P. Collins, “Predicting tensile properties of Ti-6Al-4V produced via direct energy deposition”, Acta Materialia, 133 (2017) 120-133.
  • P. Collins, D. Brice, P. Samimi, I. Ghamarian and H. Fraser, “Microstructural control of additively manufactured materials”, Annual Review of Materials Research, 46 (2016) 63-91
  • I. Ghamarian, P. Samimi, Y. Liu, B. Poorganji, V. Vasudevan and P. Collins, “Characterizing the nano-structure and defect structure of nano-scaled non-ferrous structural alloys”, Materials Characterization, 113 (2016) 222-231.
  • I. Ghamarian, Y. Liu, P. Samimi and P. Collins, “Development and application of a novel precession electron diffraction technique to quantify and map deformation structures in highly deformed materials — as applied to ultrafine-grained titanium”, Acta Materialia, 79 (2014) 203-215.
  • P. Samimi, Y. Liu, I. Ghamarian, J. Song and P. Collins, “New observations of a nanoscaled pseudomorphic bcc Co phase in bulk Co-Al-(W,Ta) superalloys”, Acta Materialia, 69 (2014) 92-104.

Data Analytics

  • I. Ghamarian, S. Ball, M. Ghayoor, S. Pasebani and A. Tabei, “Statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of pores in metal additive manufacturing”, Additive Manufacturing, Accepted.
  • I. Ghamarian, L. Yu and E. Marquis, “Morphological classification of dense objects in atom probe tomography data”, Ultramicroscopy, 215 (2020) 112996.
  • I. Ghamarian and E. Marquis, “Hierarchical density-based cluster analysis framework for atom probe tomography data”, Ultramicroscopy, 200 (2019) 28-38.
  • I. Ghamarian, B. Hayes, P. Samimi, B. Welk, H. Fraser and P. Collins, “Developing a phenomenological equation to predict yield strength from composition and microstructure in b processed Ti-6Al-4V”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 660 (2016) 172-180.
  • I. Ghamarian, P. Samimi, V. Dixit and P. Collins, “A constitutive equation relating composition and microstructure to properties in Ti-6Al-4V: as derived using a novel integrated computational approach”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 46 (2015) 5021-5037.

Computation and Modeling

  • S. Esfahani, I. Ghamarian and V. Levitas, “Strain-induced multivariant martensitic transformations: A scale-independent simulation of interactions between localized shear bands and microstructure”, Acta Materialia, 196 (2020) 430-443.
  • V. Levitas, S. Esfahani and I. Ghamarian, “Scale-free modeling of coupled evolution of discrete dislocation bands and multivariant martensitic microstructure”, Physical Review Letters, 121 (2018) 205701.
  • S. Esfahani, I. Ghamarian, V. Levitas and P. Collins, “Microscale phase field modeling of the martensitic transformation during cyclic loading of NiTi single crystal”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 146 (2018) 80-96.

Please read the Openings section of my website before contacting me.