Assistant Professor
Phone: (405) 325-1715
Office: Felgar Hall 218
Office Hours: Thursday 4:00pm-5:00pm
Website: AMDL Research Website
Google Scholar: Dr. Ghamarian's Google Scholar Profile
Postdoc., Materials Science & Engineering (2021)
University of Michigan
Ph.D., Materials Science & Engineering (2017)
Iowa State University
M.S., Materials Science & Engineering (2012)
University of North Texas
B.S., Materials Science & Engineering (2010)
Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Research Focus
Dr. Ghamarian's research focuses on establishing methods for tuning structural materials by understanding the relationships between processing, microstructure, and properties. For this purpose, Dr. Ghamarian uses extensive coupling of four activities which are
The overall output of his research is expediting cost-efficient materials development following Materials Genome Initiative goals. For more information on Dr. Ghamarian's research, please visit the Accelerated Materials Development Lab (AMDL) website.
Experience and Awards
Additive Manufacturing and Characterization
Data Analytics
Computation and Modeling
Please read the Openings section of my website before contacting me.