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K-12 Outreach

Collage including students performing experiment, Students posing with structure and student smiling with electronic device

k-12 Outreach

Engineering faculty and students are actively engaged in promoting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) in K-12 education, and we offer a variety of programs to encourage kids to get excited about STEM education.


Encourage. Experience. Engineer.

Student participating in Engineering Days.
Student participating in car design and testing during Engineering Days.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education are increasingly important for the development of K-12 students. Between 2010 and 2020, STEM jobs in the United States are expected to increase by 14 percent, but studies show that only 16 percent of American high school seniors are interested in STEM careers because they don't feel confident in their STEM abilities.

This is why the Gallogly College of Engineering is passionate about getting kids excited about STEM education. Our high school open house and summer camps allow older students to experience what it will be like to pursue a career in engineering at OU. We also have programs and activities for student groups from pre-K to grade 12, and we encourage schools to schedule group tours and field trips. When your students visit the college, they can tour our engineering practice facility, participate in hands-on engineering activities, and learn about math and science in a fun and engaging way.

Together, we can get kids excited about STEM. 

Spring 2025 Family Engineering Nights

Family Engineering Nights are a chance for 1st through 5th grade students, and their whole family unit, to experience engineering concepts together. These events will allow siblings, parents, guardians, grandparents and more to get involved and excited in the student's learning. Each event will run from 6:30PM-8:00PM require pre-registration as space is limited. 


Engineering Activities

Are you a K-12 teacher looking for help with implementing an engineering activity in your classroom but can't come to campus? Set up a virtual meeting with Dr. Tierney Harvey! She will be happy to answer your questions, provide tips, and guide you through the process we use to conduct these hands-on activities with K-12 students every day on campus. Use the link to sign-up for a 30-min meeting.

Schedule Here

Want to experiment with the Engineering Design Process in your classroom or at home? Here is your chance! OU Engineering has selected three activities for you to design and test to start your engineering experience. 

Ping Pong Launcher

A sports company wants to develop a ping pong ball launcher to help people practice ping pong on their own. Your company has been hired to design and build this new launcher! Today, you will build and design a prototype of this launcher that is able to launch a ping pong ball.

Ping Pong Launcher Download [PDF] - English

Ping Pong Launcher Download [PDF] - Spanish

Super Dome

Oklahoma City is planning on supporting a professional football team to play in the NFL.  OKC has turned to your firm, the experts in civil, mechanical, and structural engineering to design a Superdome stadium. The winning design will withstand the most weight.

Super Dome Download [PDF] - English

Super Dome Download [PDF] - Spanish

Tricky Tennis

Oklahoma City has a new tennis league, but they want some new designs for their tennis rackets! You will be tasked with prototyping a new tennis racket which you will use to hit a ping-pong ball to a target.

Tricky Tennis Download [PDF] - English

Tricky Tennis Download [PDF] - Spanish

Engineering Experiences

Hands On Experiences

The Gallogly College of Engineering hosts free hands-on engineering experiences for pre-K through 12th-grade students on campus for up to 50 students.

Your students will interact with OU Engineering students and staff in hands-on activities and experiments. Finally, depending on time constraints and group needs, your students will receive a tour of the college, including our ExxonMobil Lawrence G. Rawl Engineering Practice Facility. 

Engineering Open House

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

High school students from across the state come to Norman each year to see what OU Engineering have to offer.

The engineering design challenges are the highlight of this event. With these engineering challenges, student teams design, prototype, and test a device in advance, bringing their best-performing product to campus to compete with teams from other schools. Each member of a winning team is awarded an OU engineering scholarship.

Engineering Days

OU Engineering Days are a summer day camp for rising high school juniors and seniors on select days in the month of June. Each day offers hands-on activities that highlight a different school in engineering. Students are invitied to attend as many as they are interested in.


Please note that the schedule is made available each spring, with registration opening in April. 

Sooner Engineering Education Center

The Sooner Engineering Education (SEED) Center are current OU College of Engineering students who lead our on- and off-campus K-12 outreach activities. These students have a passion for engineering outreach, and our excited to get kids motivated about STEM!


First NameLast NameMajor
HelenePlumbCivil Engineering
AlondraOrtegaBiomedical Engineering
KrishPanditMechanical Engineering
LucMwizerwaComputer Science
NhuVanComputer Science
ThrishaDuggisettyComputer Science
CalebKamboteCivil Engineering
SarahKemppainenComputer Engineering
EmilyStarkChemical Engineering
AnthonyQuinonesMechanical Engineering
FabricioSilveyraBiomedical Engineering
LauraGabrielIndustrial and Systems Engineering

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need guidance on your experience, contact However, all planning and scheduling will be arranged through the visitors center


Dalton Brasington, M.A., M.P.S.

Dalton Brasington, M.A., M.P.S.

Director, Outreach and Recruitment

Kayla Pierson

Tierney Harvey, Ph.D., EP

Assistant Professor, Engineering Pathways
SEED Center Faculty Mentor