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Deaf Blind Project

Oklahoma Deaf-Blind
Technical Assistance Project

The Oklahoma Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance Project (OKDBTAP) provides technical assistance and training to children (birth to 21) who have both a hearing and vision impairment. Services are offered at no cost to families, educators, administrators, related service providers, and early intervention providers. This project is supported by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).



What We Do

Project Services Information

Oklahoma Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance Project provides technical assistance to children, families, SoonerStart, Oklahoma Public Schools, or other agencies serving students with deaf-blindness at no cost.

We provide various types of technical assistance (TA) including web conferencing, site visits, classroom observation, telephone TA, research/evidence based materials, in-service workshops, statewide training, and networking.

Who is Eligible for Services?

  • Individuals from birth through age 21 who are deaf-blind.
  • Family members and care providers of individuals who are deaf-blind.
  • Personnel from public and private schools, agencies who serve persons who are deaf-blind and family members. 

Children who qualify for services must have a loss in both vision and hearing.  Very few children who qualify for the census are totally deaf or blind.  Qualified individuals may have additional disabilities, such as:  intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities, or medical conditions. 

If you can identify with one of the following conditions under the Degree of Vision Loss column below AND one of conditions listed under the Hearing Loss column below, please refer this child to the Oklahoma Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance Project. 


Degree of Vision Loss:

  1. Low Vision (visual acuity of 20/70 to 20/200)
  2. Legally Blind (visual acuity of 20/200 or less or field restriction of 20 degrees)
  3. Light Perception Only
  4. Totally Blind
  5. Cortical Visual Impairment – CVI
  6. Diagnosed Progressive Loss
  7. Further Testing Needed
  8. Documented Functional Vision Loss

Hearing Loss:

  1. Mild (26-40 dB loss)
  2. Moderate (41-55 dB loss)
  3. Moderately Severe (56-70 dB loss)
  4. Severe (71-90 dB loss)
  5. Profound (91+ dB loss)
  6. Diagnosed Progressive Loss
  7. Further Testing Needed
  8. Documented Functional Hearing Loss
  9. Cochlear Implants
  10. Auditory Neuropathy
  11. Central Auditory Processing Disorder

Who Can Request Services?

Any parent or guardian of a child with deaf-blindness, ages birth-21 years, may request technical assistance from the project.  In addition, educational personnel and service providers from Oklahoma’s SoonerStart Program, Oklahoma School Districts (LEAs) or other agency personnel serving students with deaf-blindness may request services. 

Please complete one of the referral forms below by printing the form and mailing to:       

Lisa Lawter, Project Coordinator
Oklahoma Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance Project
820 Van Vleet Oval, Room 321
Norman, OK  73019
(405) 325-0441

School-Age Referral form (PDF)

SoonerStart Referral form (PDF)

There are NO FEES for services.

Oklahoma Links

National Deaf-Blind Links

  • American Association of the Deaf-Blind – AADB -
  • Helen Keller National Center –
  • National Center on Deaf-Blindness (NCDB) –
  • National Family Associations for Deaf-Blind NFADB –
  • Perkins School for the Blind –

Other National Resources


Nationally Certified Interveners in the State of Oklahoma

Samantha Garnica

Jen Nix 

Jennifer Sabin

Laura Samargis 

Keri Weston

Intervener Services Fact Sheet