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How to use the General Catalog

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How to use the OU General Catalog for Degree Planning

The University of Oklahoma General Catalog describes degree programs available at OU at the undergraduate and graduate levels on the Norman campus.

COLLEGE SECTIONS There are 19 degree-granting colleges at the University of Oklahoma. Each of the degree-granting colleges on the Norman campus has its own section in this catalog. Admission and degree requirements for each college are explained in the college’s chapter. All new undergraduate students coming directly from high school, and many undergraduate transfer students, are admitted initially to University College and should consult the University College section. University College offers no degrees, and its mission is to assist students in making the transition to university life. Students remain enrolled in University College until they have declared a major and have completed the requirements for admission to a degree granting college or DGC. Twelve colleges at OU offer undergraduate degree programs. Once students have met the requirements to enter a degree college, their records and advising are transferred from University College to the degree college. Transfer students who meet the requirements for admission will be admitted directly to a degree college. Graduate students are admitted directly to the Graduate College and professional students to the appropriate professional college. You should read the section of the college that offers the degree program in which you plan to enroll.

You will find the OU General Catalog HERE.  

Once you click on the Catalog, you will see the sections listed on the left-hand navigation bar. 

As you click on a COLLEGE from the menu located on the left-hand side of the screen, the navigation will expand to include the DEPARTMENTS within that college. To the right side of the navigation the college content is listed. Just below the college name are the sections listed across the top. For general information about undergraduate study within the college click on the UNDERGRADUATE TAB on top. Here you will find college-level admission and graduation requirements. You will need to know both for degree planning. 

Scrolling down on the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Study page, you will see the ADMISSION TO THE DODGE FAMILY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES for direct from high school admits followed by TRANSFER STUDENT REQUIREMENTS.

Clicking on a DEPARTMENT link from the left-hand navigation opens additional information about that specific department within the college. Once on the DEPARTMENT section, you can choose to view the information for UNDERGRADUATE programs within the Department by selecting this tab from the top navigation. This page will give an overview of the undergraduate study in the Department as well as Programs of Study or Degrees. 

Clicking on one of the Programs Offered opens expanded degree details, including graduation requirements and checksheets.

Clicking on VIEW CHECKSHEETS reveals a detailed snapshot of degree requirements.

The second page of the degree checksheet outlines a suggested semester by semester enrollment plan.