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How to Shop Direct Search

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Shoppers and Requesters: Using Direct Search

You can compare prices between suppliers*, view what suppliers have a certain good, and filter based off your search using the direct search feature. Often times you can add items to your carts without accessing the supplier punchout*.

*Only for suppliers that have Live Pricing enabled. 

  1. From your Shopping Home page, Use the search bar in the center of the page to browse desired goods. You can also use the Advanced Search tab to filter based on SKU, manufacturer, etc.

  2. Browse available goods or use filters on the left to narrow your search.

  3. If an item says Add to Cart, Live Pricing is enabled and the item can be added to your Marketplace cart directly from this search. If the item says Order From Supplier, use the link to open the supplier punchout and add the item from there. For instructions on how to use Punchout Catalogs, see the Punchout Catalog guide.

  4. Once your cart is filled with all desired goods, navigate to the cart review screen.

  5. You can then assign your shopping cart a Name to identify it throughout the requisition process.

If you are a Shopper, you're ready to assign the cart to a Requester.

If you are a Requester, you're ready to process the cart.