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Early Childhood Education Institute Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education, The University of Oklahoma - Tulsa website wordmark
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ECEI staff, along with doctoral students in the ILAC Ph.D. program, work in partnership with affiliated faculty, fellows, and partners to increase the generation and dissemination of early childhood research. Our content areas include teacher characteristics and well-being, early childhood services and quality of care, and child outcomes.

Our publications are listed below and are searchable by year of publication, author, and title.

DateAuthor Title 
2024Beisly, A., & Jeon, S. Development of inhibitory control in Head Start children: Association with approaches to learning and academic outcomes in kindergarten 
2024Horm, D. High-quality early childhood education is worth the investment 
2024Horm., D., Brophy-Herb, H., & Peterson, C.  Optimizing health services for young children in poverty: Enhanced collaboration between Early Head Start and pediatric health care 
2024Horm, D., Jeon, S., Vega Ruvalcaba, D., & Castle, S. Resilience: Supporting children’s self-regulation in infant and toddler classrooms 
2024Jang, W., Kwon, K. A., & Horm, D. The role of language and literacy skills in science learning from kindergarten to 5th grade: Mitigating gender, racial/ethnic, and socio-economic disparities 
2024Lopez, L. D., Castillo, A., Frechette, E., Jeon, S., Castle, S., Horm, D., & Kwon, K.-A. High-quality early care and education for low-income families: Toddlers’ cognitive and emotional functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic 
2023Choi, J. Y., Van Pay, C., Beecher, C.  Preschool language exposure and use: A comparison study of dual-language learners and English monolingual children 
2023Frechette, L., Castle, S., Jeon, S., Horm, D., Martinez, I., Vega Ruvalcaba, D., & Schaefer, S. Effects of family and neighborhood vulnerability on dual language learner and monolingual children’s preschool outcomes 
2023Johnson, A. D., Partika, A., Martin, A., Horm, D., Phillips, D. A., & the Tulsa SEED Study Team A deeper dive, a wider pool: Preschool benefits sustain to first grade on a broader set of outcomes 
2023Lang, S., Jeon, S., & Tebben, E.  Relationships between families and Head Start staff: Associations with children’s academic outcomes through home involvement and approaches to learning 

Rumper, B., Frechette, E., Jeon, S., & Greenfield, D. B. 

 Spanish-English dual language learners' bilingual profiles: Executive function and developmental outcomes. 
2023Sisson, S. B., Malek-Lasater, A., Ford, T. G., Horm, D., & Kwon, K. Predictors of overweight and obesity in early care and education teachers during COVID-19 
2022Castillo, A., & Lopez, L. D. Studying hot executive function in infancy: Insights from research on emotional development 
2022Horm, D. M., Jeon, S., Clavijo, M. V., & Acton M.  Kindergarten through Grade 3 outcomes associated with participation in high-quality early care and education: A RCT Follow-Up Study 
2022Jeon, S., Neppl, T. K., Lorenz, F. O., & Russell, D. W.  The association between economic pressure and positivity during young adulthood 
2022Johnson, A. D., Schochet, O. N., Martin, A., Castle, S., Horm, D., Phillips, D. A., & The Tulsa SEED Study When does 1 + 1 not equal 2? The relative advantage of public school-based pre-K versus Head Start for low-income children's kindergarten cognitive and self-regulatory skills 
2022Johnson, A., Martin, A., Partika, A., Castle, S., Phillips, D. A., & The Tulsa SEED Study Team  Chaos during the COVID-19 outbreak: Predictors of household chaos among low-income families during a pandemic 
2022Johnson, A., Phillips, D., Schochet, O., Castle, S., Martin, A., Horm, D., & The Tulsa SEED Study Team Predictors of first grade teachers’ teaching-related time during COVID-19 
2022Kwon, K., Jeon, S., Castle, S., & Ford, T. Children’s behavioral challenges in Head Start classrooms: Links to teacher well-being and intent to leave 
2022Martin, A., Partika, A., Castle, S., Horm, D., & Johnson, A. Both sides of the screen: Predictors of parents' and teachers' depression and food insecurity during COVID-19-related distance learning 
2022Partika, A., Johnson, A. D., Martin, A., Castle, S., & The Tulsa SEED Study Team Hispanic English language learner families and food insecurity during COVID-19: Risk factors and systems of food support 
2022Patel, D., Butzer, D., Williams, B., Dev, D., Lowery, B., Horm, D., Campbell, J., & Sisson, S. Food waste, preference, and cost: Perceived barriers and quality of foods serves in family child-care homes 
2022Phillips, D., Hutchison, J., Martin, A., Castle, S., Johnson, A. D., & The Tulsa SEED Study Team First do no harm: How teachers support or undermine children’s self-regulation 
2022Walle, E. A., Lopez, L. D., & Castillo, A.  Emotional development: A field in need of a revolution 
2022Williams, B., Sisson, S.B., Lowery, B., Dev, D., Horm, D., Campbell, J., Finneran, D., & Graef-Downard, J. Relationships between proximity to grocery stores and Oklahoma early care and education classroom nutrition practices 
2021Jeon, S., Jeon, L., Lang, S., & Newell, K.   Teacher depressive symptoms and child math achievement in Head Start: The roles of family -- teacher relationships and approaches to learning 
2021Rumper, B. M., Frechette, E., Greenfield D. B., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. Impacts on Head Start dual language learning children’s early science outcomes 
2021Johnson, A. D., Phillips, D. A., Schochet, O. N., Martin, A., Castle, S., The Tulsa SEED Study Team To whom little is given, much is expected: ECE teacher stressors and supports as determinants of classroom quality 
2021Frechette, E., Rumper, B. M., & Greenfield, D. B. Executive control in dual language learning preschoolers: The association between hot and cool executive control and science achievement 
2021Kwon, K., Horm, D., & Amirault, C. Early childhood teachers’ well-being: What we know and why we should care 
2021Williams, B. D., Sisson, S. B., Dev, D. A., Lowery, B., Horm, D., Campbell, J., Finneran, D., Graef-Downard, J., & Whaley, L. Associations between community built environments with early care and education classroom physical activity practices and barriers 
2021Laurin, D. E., Guss, S. S., & Horm, D. Caregiver-infant and toddler interactions during diapering: Caregiver responsiveness and child well-being and involvement 
2021Tabbutt, K., Maher, E. J., & Horm, D. Foundations for success: A mixed-methods evaluation of a statewide, cross-sector early childhood collaborative 
2021Malek-Lasater, A., Kwon, K., Horm, D. M., Sisson, S., Dipti, A., & Castle, S. Supporting children’s healthy development during mealtime in early childhood 
2020Martin, A., Johnson, A. D., & Castle, S. Reframing high-quality public preschool as a vehicle for narrowing child health disparities based on family income 
2020Yazejian, N., Bryant, D., Kuhn, L., Burchinal, M., Horm, D., Hans, S., File, N., & Jackson, B. The Educare intervention: Outcomes at Age 3 
2020Walker, D., Sepulveda, S. J., Hoff, E., Rowe, M. L., Schwartz, I. S., Dale, P. S., Peterson, C., Diamond, K. E., Goldin-Meadow, S., Levine, S. C., Wasik, B. H., Horm, D. M., & Bigelow, K. M. Language intervention research in early childhood care and education: A systemic survey of the literature
2020Neppl, T. K., Jeon, S., Diggs, O., & Donnellan, M. B. Positive parenting, effortful control, and developmental outcomes across early childhood
2020Kwon, K., Malek, A., Horm, D., & Castle, S. Turnover and retention of infant-toddler teachers: Reasons, consequences, and suggestions for improvement
2020Jeon, S., Kwon, K., Guss, S., & Horm, D. Profiles of family engagement in Early Head Start: Associations with child outcomes and parenting skills. Early Childhood Research
2020Beisly, A., Kwon, K. A., Jeon, S., & Lim, C. The moderating role of two learning related behaviours in preschool children's academic outcomes: Learning behaviour and executive function
2020Horm, D.M., Kwon, K-A., & Laurin, D.  Infant-toddler curriculum: Review, reflection, and revolution. In N. File & J.J. Mueller (Eds.), Curriculum in Early Childhood Education: Re-examined, rediscovered, renewed. NY, NY: Routledge.  
2019Kwon, K., Jeon, S. Jeon, L., & Castle, S. Teachers’ depressive symptoms, classroom quality, and children’s developmental outcomes in Early Head Start
2019Beisly, A., Kwon, K., & Jeon, S. Executive function and learning behaviors: Associations with academic skills among preschoolers
2019Choi, J., Horm, D., Jeon, S., & Ryu, D. Do stability of care and teacher-child interaction quality predict child outcomes in Early Head Start?
2019Coffey, S., Latta, L., Mueller, H., & Flanders, S.  Collaboration, innovation and time: A shared journey through child psychiatric consultation in the school setting
2019Jeon, S., & Neppl, T. K. Economic pressure, parental positivity, positive parenting and child social competence
2019Jeon, S., & Neppl, T. K. The intergenerational transmission of externalizing behavior: The importance of a positive romantic partner
2019Latta, L.  Learning to listen: Supporting language acquisition and the learning identities of dual language learners in an early childhood classroom
2019Neppl, T. K., Wedmore, H., Senia, J. M., Jeon, S., & Diggs, O. Couple interaction and child social competence: The role of parenting and attachment
2019Raikes, H. H., White, L., Green, S., Burchinal, M., Kainz, K., Horm, D., Bingham, G., St. Clair, L., Greenfield, D., & Esteraich, J. Use of the home language in preschool classrooms and first- and second-language development among dual-language learners
2019Horm, D. M., Barbour, N., & Huss-Hage, E.  Accreditation: Supporting quality and professionalism in early childhood education. In M. McMullen, C. Brown, & N. File (Eds.), Handbook of Early Childhood Care and Education. Hoboken, NJ:  Wiley Blackwell. 
2019Horm, D., Kwon, K-A., & Laurin, D. Infant-toddler curriculum: Review, reflection, and revolution, In N. File & J.J. Mueller (Eds.), Curriculum in Early Childhood Education: Re-examined, rediscovered, renewed. NY, NY: Routledge.  
2018Choi, J. Y., Horm, D., & Jeon, S. Descriptive study of continuity of care practice and children’s experience of stability in care in early head start
2018Choi, J. Y., Jeon, S., & Lippard, C. Dual language learning, inhibitory control, and math achievement in Head Start and kindergarten
2018Choi, J., Castle, S., Burchinal, M., Horm, D., Guss, S., & Bingham, G. Peer effects on low-income children’s learning and development
2018Guss, S. S., Morris, A. S., Bosler, C., Castle, S. L., Hays-Grudo, J., Horm, D. M., & Treat, A. Parents’ adverse childhood experiences and current relationships with their young children: The role of executive function
2018Horm, D., File, N., Bryant, D., Burchinal, M., Raikes, H., Forestieri, N., Encinger, A., & Cobo-Lewis, A.  Associations between continuity of care in infant-toddler classrooms and child outcomes
2018Jeon, S., Choi, J. Y., Horm, D., & Castle, S. Early Head Start dosage: The role of parent-caregiver relationships and family involvement
2018Laurin, D., & Goble, C. A wider world view of diapering routines: The Pikler approach enhancing the caregiver-child relationship, interaction, cooperation, communication, and development
2018Kracht, C. L., Sisson, S. B., Kerr, K., Walker, D., Stephens, L., Seward, J., Anderson, A., Weedn, A. E., Cheney, M., Copeland, K. A., Tallbear, C., Jacob, A., Key, M., Dennison, M., Horm, D., & Salvatore, A. L. Health Care Provider’s Role in Obesity Prevention and Healthy Development of Young American Indian Children
2018Kracht, C. L., Sisson, S. B., Walker, D., Kerr, K., Stephens, L., Anderson, A., Seward, J., Weedn, A. E., Cheney, M., Copeland, K., Salvatore, A. L., Jacob, A., Key, A., Dennison, M., Tallbear, C., & Horm, D.  Early care and education teachers’ role in obesity prevention and healthy development of young American Indian children
2018Latta, L., & Horm, D. Ready or not? Supporting high-quality programs for 3-year-olds
2018Kwon, K-A., Ford, T., Guss, S., & Horm, D. Early Learning Inventory (ELI) feasibility study report. Contracted study and report for Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness (OPSR).
2018Norris, D. J., & Horm, D. Group care for infants, toddlers, and twos
2018Horm, D. M., Yazejian, N., Kennel, P., & Stringfellow, C. Educare: A model for U.S. early childhood. In L. Miller, C. Cameron, C. Dalli, & N. Barbour (Eds.). Sage Handbook of Early Childhood Policy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
2017Anundson, K., Sisson, S., Anderson, M., Horm, D., Soto, J., Hoffman, L.  Staff food-related behaviors and children's tastes of food groups during lunch at childcare in Oklahoma
2017Diggs, O. N., Neppl, T. K., Jeon, S., & Lohman, B. J. The association of harsh parenting, parent-child communication, and parental alcohol use with male alcohol use into emerging adulthood
2017Yazejian, N., Bryant, D., Hans, S., Horm, D., St. Clair, L., File, N., & Burchinal, M. Child and parenting outcomes after one year of Educare
2017Horm, D. Educare as a model of multi-site, collaborative, policy-relevant research. In N. Barbour & B. A. McBride (Eds.). The Future of Child Development Laboratory Schools: Applied Developmental Science in Action. NY, NY: Routledge.
2017Horm, D. M., Barbour, N., & Huss-Hage, E.  Accreditation: Supporting quality and professionalism in early childhood education.  In M. McMullen, C. Brown, & N. File (Eds.), Handbook of Early Childhood Care and Education.  Hoboken, NJ:  Wiley Blackwell.
2016Castle, S., Williamson, A. C., Young, E., Pearce, N., Laurin, D., & Stubblefield, J. Teacher-child interactions in Early Head Start classrooms: Associations with teacher characteristics
2016Choi, J. Y., Castle, S., Williamson, A. C., Young, E., Worley, L., Long, M., & Horm, D. M. Teacher-child interactions and the development of executive function in preschool-age children attending Head Start
2016Choi, J. Y., Elicker, J., Christ, S. L., & Dobbs-Oates, J. E. Predicting growth trajectories in early academic learning: Evidence from growth curve modeling with Head Start children
2016Goble, C.B. & Laurin, D.E. Creating career pathways and infusing infant mental health into early care and education professional preparation
2016Guss, S., Jones-Harden, B., Stein, A., Yazejian, N., Forestieri, N. Relationship of adversity to indicators of child well-being in a high quality early education context
2016Guss, S., Jones-Harden, B., Yazejian, N., Weeden, S., & Ladner, J. Addressing adversity to support family and child well-being
2016Monroe, L. A., & Norris, D. J.  Implementation of a mentoring component embedded within an early childhood scholarship programme
2016Norris, D. J., & Guss, S. S. Low quality of basic caregiving environments in child care: Actual reality or artifact of scoring?
2016Norris, D. J., & Horm, D. M. Introduction to the Special Issue on Group Care for Infants, Toddlers, and Twos
2016Sisson, S. B., Krampe, M., Anundson, K., & Castle, S. Obesity prevention interventions in child care: A systematic review.
2016Sisson, S. B., Li, J., Stoner, J. A., Lora, K. R., Campbell, J. E., Arnold, S. H., DeGrace, B., Horm, D., Stephens, L.  Obesogenic environments in tribally-affiliated child care centers and corresponding obesity rates in preschool children
2016Swyden, K., Sisson, S., Lora, K., Castle, S., & Copeland, K. Association of child-care arrangement with overweight and obesity in preschool-aged children: A narrative review of the literature
2016Worley, L., & Goble, C. Supporting curiosity, persistence, and learning in a toddler classroom
2016Yazejian, N., Bryant, D., Horm, D., Hans, S., St Clair, L., & File, N. The Educare randomized controlled trial: Language and social-emotional development and parent-child interactions through age 2
2016Horm, D., Norris, D., Perry, D., Chazan-Cohen, R., and Halle, T. Developmental Foundations of School Readiness for Infants and Toddlers, A Research to Practice Report, OPRE Report # 2015-71, Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
2016Sosinsky, L., Ruprecht, K., Horm, D. M., Kriener-Althen, K., Vogel, C., & Halle, T.  Including Relationship-Based Care Practices in Infant-Toddler Care: Implications for Practice and Policy.  OPRE Research-to-Practice Brief, OPRE Report #: 2016-46 (May 2016), ACF, HSS.
2016Goble, C. B. Autonomy.  In Couchenour, D. L. & Chrisman, K. (Eds.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
2016Goble, C. B.  Professionalism. In Couchenour, D. L. & Chrisman, K. (Eds.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
2016Goble, C. B. Trust. In Couchenour, D. L. & Chrisman, K. (Eds.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
2016Guss, S. Interpreting Assessment Data. In D. Couchenour & J. K. Chrisman (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education. Thousand Oaks California: SAGE.
2016Horm, D., & Atanasov, A.  Reliability and validity in child assessments. In Couchenour, D. L. & Chrisman, K. (Eds.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education (pp. 1174-1177). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
2016Horm, D., & Guss, S. S.  Limitations of assessments. In Couchenour, D. L. & Chrisman, K. (Eds.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education (pp. 89-91). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
2015Goble, C. B., Horm, D., Atanasov, A. M., Williamson, A., & Choi, J. Knowledge and beliefs of early childhood education students at different levels of professional preparation. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 36(3), 211-231.
2015Gold, Z. S., Elicker, J., Anderson, T., Choi, J., & Brophy, S. P. Preschoolers’ engineering play behaviors: Differences in gender and play context. Children, Youth and Environments, 25(3), 1-21.
2015Rasbold, A. H., Adamiec, R., Anderson, M. P., Campbell, J. E., Horm, D. M., Sitton, L. K., & Sisson, S. B. Macronutrient and micronutrient intake of children in Oklahoma child care centers. Public Health Nutrition, 17, 1-8.
2015Sisson, S. B., Li, J., Arnold, S. H., Lora, K. R., Stoner, J. A., DeGrace, B., Campbell, J. E., Horm, D., & Stephens, L. Obesogenic child care center environment and obesity in preschool children. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(9), 76-82.
2015Norris, D. J., & Horm, D. M. Research in review: Teacher interactions with infants and toddlers. Young Children, 70(5), 84-91.
2014Horm, D. M., & Garn, G. Intersection of early childhood education research and state policy: What do we know? What do we need to know? What are the implications for research partnerships? Oklahoma Association of Teacher Educators Journal, 17, 12-19.
2014Eggum-Wilkens, N., Fabes, R., Castle, S., Zhang, L., Hanish, L., & Martin, C. Playing with others: Head Start children’s peer play and relations with kindergarten school competence. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29, 345-356.
2014Frampton, A., Sisson, S., Horm, D. M., Campbell, J., Lora K., & Ladner, J. What's for lunch? An analysis of lunch menus in 83 urban and rural Oklahoma child-care centers providing all-day care to preschool children. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 114(9), 1367-1374.
2014Alley-Melchior, K., Guss, S. S., & Horm, D. M. Common themes impacting quality of early care and education environments for toddlers. Zero to Three, 34(3), 21-27.
2014Monroe, L., & Horm, D. Using a logic model to evaluate undergraduate instruction in a laboratory preschool.  In J. Elicker & N. Barbour (Eds.), University Laboratory Preschools. NY, NY:  Routledge.
2014McBride, B., Groves, M., Barbour, N., Horm, D., Stremmel, A., Lash, M., Bersani, C., Ratekin, C., Moran, J., Elicker, J., & Toussaint, S. Child development laboratory schools as generators of knowledge in ECE: New models and approaches. In J. Elicker & N. Barbour (Eds.), University Laboratory Preschools.  NY, NY:  Routledge.
2013Frampton, A. M., Sisson, S. B., Horm, D. M., Campbell, J. E., Lora, K., & Ladner, J. L. What’s for lunch? An analysis of lunch menus in 83 urban and rural Oklahoma child-care centers providing all-day care to preschool children. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
2013Guss, S. S., Horm, D. M., Lang, E., Krehbiel, S., Petty, J., Austin, K., Bergren, C., Brown, A., Holloway, S. Using classroom quality assessments to inform teacher decisions.  Young Children, 68(3), 16-20.
2013Guss, S. S., Norris, D. J., Horm, D. M., Monroe, L. A., Wolfe, V. Lessons learned about data utilization from classroom observations. Early Education & Development, 24(1), 4-18.
2013Horm, D. M., Hyson, M., & Winton, P. J. Research on early childhood teacher education:  Evidence from three domains and recommendations for moving forward. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 34(1), 95-112.
2013Norris, D. J., & Horm, D. M. Introduction to the Special Issue on the Use of Data to Inform Early Childhood Practice and Policy, Early Education & Development, 24(1), 1-3.
2013Sullins, E. Review of the book Managing legal risks in early childhood programs: How to prevent flare-ups from becoming lawsuits, by H.E. Bruno & T. Copeland). Journal of Educational Administration, 51(5), 737-740.
2012Monroe, L., & Horm, D. Using a logic model to evaluate undergraduate instruction in a laboratory preschool. Early Education & Development, 23(2), 227-241.
2012McBride, B. A., Groves, M., Barbour, N., Horm, D., Stremmel, A., Lash, M., Bersani, C., Ratekin, C., Moran, J., Elicker, J., & Toussaint, S. Child development laboratory schools as generators of knowledge in early childhood education: Models and approaches. Early Education & Development, 23(2), 153-164.
2012Sisson, S. B., Campbell, J., May, K., Brittain, D. R., Monroe, L., Guss, S., & Ladner, J. Assessment of nutrition and physical activity practices in Oklahoma child care centers. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112(8), 1230-1239.
2012Hyson, M., Horm, D., & Winton, P. Higher education for early childhood educators and outcomes for young children: Pathways toward greater effectiveness. In R. Pianta (Ed.), Handbook of Early Childhood Education, NY, NY: Guilford.
2011Horm, D., Goble, C., & Branscomb, K. Infant toddler curriculum: Review, reflection, and revolution. In N. File, J. J. Mueller, & D. B. Wisneski (Eds.), Curriculum in early childhood education: Re-examined, rediscovered, renewed. NY: Routledge.
2010Goble, C., & Horm, D. Taking charge of your own personal and professional development. Young Children, 65(6), 86-91.
2010Bass, L., Garn G., & Monroe, L. Using JCEL case studies to meet ELCC standards. Journal of Cases in Education Leadership, 14(1), 1-12.
2010Norris, D. Raising the educational requirements for teachers in infant toddler classrooms: Implications for institutions of higher education. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 31, 146-158.
2010Horm, D., & Yazejian, N. Educare: Program description, current implementation study, and future research goals. Early Education and Child Development SIG Newsletter, 5(1), 3-4.
2009Horm, D., Goble, C., Boatright, M., Decker, C., Noble, N., & Norris, D. Oklahoma’s Pilot Early Childhood Program Birth through Three Years: Description, evaluation, and policy implications. National Head Start Association Dialog: A Research to Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, 12(4), 360-373.
2009Goble, C. B., Moran, J. D., & Horm, D. The professional preparation of early care and education providers: Addressing the mismatch between policy and practice. Zero to Three, 30(1), 43-46.
2009Goble, C. B., & Horm, D. M. Infant-toddler services through community collaboration. Zero to Three, 29(6), 18-22.
2008Uttley, C., & Horm, D. M. Mentoring in early childhood professional development: Evaluation of the Rhode Island Child Development Specialist Apprenticeship Program. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 29(3), 237-252.
2006Golas, J. C., Horm, D. M., & Caruso, D. A. Challenges in implementing center-based and home-based Early Head Start Programs. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 21(2), 163-175.