Joseph Harroz Jr., J.D.
Office of the President
Joseph Harroz Jr., J.D.
Office of the President
André-Denis Wright, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President and Provost,
Norman Campus
Office of the Provost, Norman
Gary Raskob, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President
and Provost, Health Sciences Center
Office of the Provost, Health Sciences Center
Matthew D. Brockwell, M.B.A.
Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Administration and Finance
Armand Paliotta, J.D.
Vice President and General Counsel
Office of Legal Counsel
Guy L. Patton, M.A.
President, OU Foundation
OU Foundation
Darrin Akins, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research
Research, Health Sciences Center
Dorothy Anderson, M.Ed.
Vice President for Human Resources and Chief Human Resources Officer
Human Resources
Stewart Berkinshaw, M.Acc., C.P.A.
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Administration and Finance
Jeff Blahnik, J.D.
Vice President for the Division of Enrollment Management and
Executive Director of the Office of Admissions & Recruitment
Susan Bynum, J.D.
Vice President, OU-Tulsa
Joe Castiglione, M.Ed.
Vice President for Intercollegiate Athletics Programs and
Director of Athletics
University Athletics
Gregg Garn, Ph.D.
Vice President for Online Learning
OU Online
Marci Gracey, J.D.
Associate Vice President and Institutional Equity Officer
Office of Institutional Equity
Brian Holderread, M.S.C.M.
Vice President for
Campus Operations
Campus Operations
Jennifer Hollingshead, M.B.A.
Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Marketing and Communications
Hollye Hunt, J.D.
Vice President of Executive Affairs and Chief of Staff
Belinda Higgs Hyppolite, Ed.D.
Vice President for Access and Opportunity
Division of Access and Opportunity
Jim W. Morrison, Ed.D.
Chief Strategy Officer
Office of the President
Amy Noah, M.B.A.
Vice President and
Chief Advancement Officer
OU Foundation
Carol L. Silva, Ph.D.
Interim Vice President for Research
and Partnerships, Norman Campus
Research, Norman
David A. Surratt, Ed.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs
and Dean of Students
Student Affairs
Mackenzie Wilfong, J.D.
Executive Secretary of the Board
Board of Regents
Charles Wright, C.P.A.
Chief Audit Executive
Internal Audit
Denise Stephens, MLS
University Libraries
John Klier, Ph.D.
Gallogly College of Engineering
Anna Carpenter, J.D., LL.M.
College of Law
Randall S. Hewes, Ph.D.
Dean, Graduate College
Interim Dean, Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences
Mary Margaret Holt, MFA
Weitzenhoffer Family
College of Fine Arts
Stacy Reeder, Ph.D.
Jeannine Rainbolt
College of Education
Laku Chidambaram, Ph.D.,
Interim Dean
Michael F. Price
College of Business
Mark Morvant, Ph.D.
Interim Dean
College of Professional and Continuing Studies
Petra Klein, Ph.D.
Interim Dean
College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences
Michael R. Markham, Ph.D.
Interim Dean
Honors College
Andrea Miller, Ph.D.
Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication
John Antonio, Ph.D.
Mewbourne College of
Earth and Energy
Hans E. Butzer, MArch
Christopher C. Gibbs
College of Architecture
Jonathan Stalling, Ph.D.
Interim Dean
College of International Studies
Melissa S. Medina, Ed.D.
College of Pharmacy
Ian Dunn, M.D.
Executive Dean
College of Medicine
Melissa Craft, Ph.D., APRN-CNS, AOCN, FCNS, FAAN
Interim Dean
Fran and Earl Ziegler
College of Nursing
Dale Bratzler, DO, MPH
Hudson College of Public Health
Jane Wilson, Ph.D.
College of Allied Health
Paul M. Mullasseril, D.D.S., M.S.
College of Dentistry
H. Anne Pereira, Ph.D.
Graduate College
James Herman, M.D., M.S.P.
School of Community Medicine
James Herman, M.D., M.S.P.
School of Community Medicine
*pending final approval of the OU Board of Regents