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The Gallery component can be used to embed a Flickr gallery on your page.


  • Embedding a Flickr gallery on your page that will automatically scroll through the photos from a specific gallery.

Where to Find It

Ga, Gallery Component - htl, OU General

You can find the Gallery component in your trusty side panel.

What It Looks Like

Edit Gallery Component - htl Component, Fatal error: 1 fail: Photoset not found, Gallery Component htl

A blank Gallery Component on a webpage in Author. This is how the component appears before a Flickr Gallery URL is added.

Gallery Component, Gallery Params, Height 300, Flickr album URL
  • Height: Default is set to 300 pixels. This number can be increased for a larger gallery image display, or smaller to allow use within columns.
  • Flickr album URL: Enter the entire Flickr album URL (including https://)

To Edit, Etc.

Edit Gallery Component - htl Component, Fatal error: 1 fail: Photoset not found, Gallery Component htl

When you select the component, you can:

  • Edit: Edit component
  • Delete: Delete a component
  • Group: To select multiple components at once (to move, cut, copy)