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Recombinant DNA/Biohazards/Radioisotopes in Research Policy

Recombinant DNA/Biohazards/Radioisotopes

Recombinant DNA/Biohazards/Biohazardous Waste/Select Agents/Toxins

The Principle Investigator should contact the Institutional Biosafety Committee Chair, Dr. David McCauley (405-325-9038,, to discuss the planned activities prior to the final grant submission. This will enable a determination to be made regarding any research requiring IBC notification and/or approval to use recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules or other proposed biohazardous work. Dr. McCauley/IBC will provide an email or letter to the Office of Research Services (ORS) authorizing that the submission is allowed prior to the internal routing process.

Additional steps for the authorization of Recombinant DNA and Biohazards for research, whether internally or externally sponsored, are available at

Radioisotope Usage

The university maintains a broad-scope license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for utilization of radioactive materials on the Norman campus. Information concerning use of such material can be obtained from George MacDurmon, Radiation Safety Officer, 271-6121 ext. 46856.

Office of Compliance new > RSO > Staff (

For externally funded proposals, a clearance email or letter must be provided from the Radiation Safety Officer prior to internal routing and/or submission of the proposal.

Disposal of Hazardous Waste

Only radioactive materials need clearance; however, there are special rules for anyone who generates hazardous waste. Disposal of hazardous chemicals must be in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations. Contact the Environmental Health & Safety Office, Trent H. Brown, Environmental Health & Safety Officer, at 325-5147 for specific details.