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ONPS Annual Meeting
FUOBS Biennial Reunion

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Friends of the University of Oklahoma Biological Station celebrating another great year!
Oct. 16-18, 2015

This will be a joint meeting with the Oklahoma Native Plant Society.


New rock sign - lakeside of Bio Station

The next Celebration of the Friends of the University of Oklahoma Biological Station will be a joint meeting with the Oklahoma Native Plant Society and will be held at the OU Biological Station at Lake Texoma Oct. 16-18, 2015. Activities will kick off with a social gathering on Friday afternoon and evening and the tradition will continue with the auction to be held on Saturday evening. Additional information will be posted on the Friends web site as it becomes available.

You are cordially invited to join us for the 2015 Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society (ONPS) and Friends of the University of Oklahoma Biological Station (FUOBS). We are planning interesting activities including guest speakers, field trips, auction, and lots more.

FUOBS provides support for the Station and organizes future celebrations. We want your input and help and look forward to seeing you at the Celebration at the Station.

If you are unable to attend, please send a letter to tell everyone what you have been up to or to share interesting memories.  Hope to see you in October!

Friends of the University of Oklahoma Biological Station Executive Board


LOCATION: University of Oklahoma Biological Station on the shores of Lake Texoma, Willis, Okla.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: We will be posting information regarding celebration activities, a link to the registration form, and an agenda.

Donna Cobb, dcobb@ou.edu, (405) 325-7430
Deanna Cathey, dcathey@ou.edu, (405) 325-7431

Accommodations on the basis of disability are available by calling
(405) 325-7430 as soon as possible.






15389 Station Road
Kingston, OK 73439-8744

Phone: (405) 325-7430 OR
Answering machine: (580) 564-2478
Fax: (580) 564-2479

Bio Station logo

Updated September 22, 2015 by Donna Cobb, dcobb@ou.edu
Friends of the OU Biological Station, fuobs@ou.edu